Alternate Ending

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She wanted to dry her tears and pull herself back together, as fast as the sky did after the rain.

But he was a hurricane.

The unwritten chapters of their story were only a distant thought now. Tormented by her own heart yet guarded by her mind.

Everyone could see that they were indeed soulmates incarnate, the world knew he was carefully crafted for her and she for him - like a lock and key. They loved so strangely it was confusing to anyone else.

But alas, the stars didn't align and Fate knew they wouldn't last.

She no longer believed in being the bigger person, if anything she had now learnt the consequences of letting go and would never let go of her fate again.

She was being selfish,  not choosing the sun or the shade. Breaking her lover, then thinking she was deserving to mourn him.

She was a wildflower, growing in a hurricane.
And, oh, how beautiful a flower is after a malicious storm.


She discovered him in such a way that he started to befriend himself.

He would bottle the sound of her voice, the glint in her eyes and the curve of her smile, getting drunk on the memory of her every night.

She was his very demise. A soul so embedded in another that when she pulled away he was incomplete, broken.

Like fire and flame they were one of another. But he was foolish to forget that a fire as bright as theirs would never have enough fuel to burn. Yet she already knew their flame would burn out.

Too wild for each other and too strange for another.


She hoped he would be waiting for her in the next life, she had gotten her revenge and he had faced his sentence, and maybe in another world  they could saunter together, hand in hand and heart in heart.

Until then, they are strangers, occasionally passing each other in the busy commotions of the city.

And when her eyes met his, like a newly emerging butterfly, her heart fluttered.

Yet, despite the cacophony of emotions swirling within her.

She remained stoic.

And when his gaze found hers, he suffered in silence. Aching for her to become nothing but a fleeting memory on a summers day.

She brushes past his arm, and for a fleeting moment, it felt like the stars were dancing on his skin.

"I'm sorry,"  she murmurs. Eternally she wants to add.

"It's okay." He answers. Lia he wants to add.

This wasn't the story of a pair of poets, or romantics. This was the story of a woman, a man

and everything in between.

hey loves
this is the last chapter i has written in the first place for this book. my original plan was to end this book at 'business only'.

i really wanted to showcase the idea that not all love stories are forever and no matter how deep your love for someone is, sometimes it will never work.

the whole idea behind Amelia and Xavier's characters is that they have too many issues to work out and this makes them incompatible. Amelia was harsh and cruel to him and he was blind to all the abuse out of love. I never saw their relationship as healthy and didn't actually plan on them being endgame.

anyways i thought I'd post the alternative ending anyway in case you guys wanted to read it. I've edited a LOT since I first wrote it 

I've improved as a writer a lot and i hope that's visible in this :)

love you always

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