Chapter 8

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As soon as I'm in the correct mindset to actually comprehend what I was doing, I end the call.

What the fuck was I doing?

Did I forget that I have a fiancé? Or did I forget the fact that I decided to walk away from Xavier and not the other way around?

I throw my phone across the room out of exasperation it bangs against the wall, I instantly regret it when I hear my screen shatter.

I fall back onto my bed, the moments replaying in my mind. I hated myself for not ending the call as soon as I heard his voice, as soon as I knew it was him.

But I couldn't bring myself to do it.

His voice, his words - it was what completed the moment.

Stop it.

I couldn't afford to like it.

I didn't like it. I told myself that at least.

I could hear him swallowing the knot in his throat, and it made me feel accomplished to know that I still stirred something inside of him - not that he was shying away from that fact anyway.

Before I could overthink myself to oblivion, my phone surprisingly still manages to ring. I walk over to it, wrapped in my fluffy duvet and pick it up.

There was no name but a number, "Hello, this is Amelia Davis." I answer.

"Yo Miss Davis, it's Leroy." He says.

"Good afternoon Leroy, how can I help?" I say, not sure yet if this was a call of business or not.

"I need your help,"

"With what?"

"Jodie's parents are throwing her some massive birthday ball, but she doesn't know yet and it's a surprise." He starts.

"Jodie's birthday isn't until next week." I remind him.

"That's what I said," he finds common ground with me "but they'll be back in Australia by then and they want to celebrate with her." 

"That makes sense I guess. What do you need my help for?" I ask.

"Can you get her all dressed up and bring her to the place, I'll send you the address?" He asks. I agree and end the call.

I glance at the clock to see that its already 4, and I have to be there by 6. I call Jodie, telling her to come to my place, with her makeup before jumping into the shower. I quickly wash myself and dry off as Jodie rings my doorbell.  I slip into a robe and answer the door.

"What's wrong?" She asks as she walks in.

"There was an event we need to attend today, I forgot to mark it in my calendar." I lie.

"I wasn't informed about any event,"

"They contacted me directly - if you knew I would've been more prepared." I say.

"I am good at my job." She winks.

"Pick anything from upstairs, dresses only, and get ready." I say and we both go to my closet room.

I decide to put something half decent on as well, so that I fit in and luckily Jodie was the same size as me, so we could share things often.

I peer through the racks of clothing, picking out a red, backless mermaid dress. It was a gift from Alexander when we first got together. I look over at Jodie to see she's picked out a lilac, satin column dress with thin spaghetti straps and a cheeky split down her left leg.

She kept her the studs she was already wearing on began doing her makeup, whilst I curled her hair for her. When she was all ready we still had 20 minutes to spare so I did a quick neutral makeup look and my hair was in a low ponytail with a few curls out to frame my face.

We both got into my car and I put the location into my maps app. I was surprised to find out that it was in a a garden, since it was almost sunset. It wasn't any garden, it was the Rose garden - where I had my first job as Xavier's assistant.

Whether Jodie accepted it or not, she was part of the Walker family who were incredibly successful and her brother, Bradley Walker was one of my partners. She didn't open up much about why she disliked her family, but I knew she wasn't fond of them and it was better if I drove so I could take her back if anything serious happened.

I walk through the gates of the garden, the smell of all the flowers encapsulate me. I make sure Jodie is a couple of steps ahead of me, so if her family yell surprise I won't be the one to receive it.

But when we get there, there's nothing. It's still a sight to see, however, the mix of yellows and oranges flirting with the sky as the early sunset had started.

"Hey, where do we go?" I call Leroy and ask.

"I can see you guys, just turn left and you'll see."Jasmine, who's answered the phone instead, instructs.

I tell Jodie to turn left, and when she does she gasps, frozen in her spot. I turn after her and my reaction is the same.

Leroy on one knee, with a ring in his hand.

A few feet behind him is Jasmine and Xavier, both dressed up as well and a photographer, ready to capture this moment - that's why we had to dress up.

Jasmine gestures for me to stand with her, away from Leroy and Jodie who are having their special moment. I stand between her and Xavier. The tension between me and him is undeniable, but i try not to pay it any attention and instead focus on my friend.

"Jodie Walker.." he says, his breath shaky, me and Jasmine pout at his nervousness "will you marry me?"

Jodie takes a huge breath in, her eyes fill to the brim with tears, as she takes a couple steps forward so she's standing right in front of him. "Oh my god, yes!" She whispers.

Leroy's eyes close and he lets out a breath of air in relief, before he places the gorgeous pink diamond ring on her finger. He stands up straight and pulls her in from her waist, them sharing a romantic kiss. Her eyes are twinkling with happiness and so are his.

Jasmine squeezes my hand, squealing in excitement, as she runs over to hug the engaged couple.

"Was your engagement this beautiful?" Xavier asks me but still looking at Jodie and Leroy.

"How would I know, you gave me a ring in the car." I snort, remembering our less than satisfying 'engagement'.

"I meant with Mr Chopra?" The edges of his lips twist into a smirk.

"Oh," I pause awkwardly "It was the best day of my life, until the day I actually marry him at least." I sigh.

"Nice to hear," he says, walking away from me to congratulate Leroy.

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