A/N: Something Fun

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Okay, so I made this a few weeks back and totally forgot about it XD Do y'all agree with my interpretation of each character's cinnamon roll status?

Okay, so I made this a few weeks back and totally forgot about it XD Do y'all agree with my interpretation of each character's cinnamon roll status?

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Anyway, I just thought that this would be something fun to post while I was working on the next chapter. If y'all want me to do more stuff like this between updates, just let me know!

Just as a final note, I can't believe MEBBS (yes, that is the acronym for this story. I just realized it and can't stop giggling) has over 4000 reads and almost 280 votes at the time of me posting this! It's all thanks to you guys, so thank you so much ^^

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