Author's Note

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I know y'all are here for some Jujutsu Kaisen, so I'll try to keep this brief.

Disclaimer: If it wasn't obvious, I do not own any of the Jujutsu Kaisen characters or plotlines (no matter how much I wish I did!); the only story elements that I own are Ikuko Nishimura, any other side characters I create, and the plotline bringing Ikuko and Gojo together.

Status: Finished!

Spoiler Warning: As I'm currently not reading the main manga, any spoilers will come from either the anime or the prequel manga.

Rating: I'm going to try to keep to the dark themes shown in the anime. I won't be writing graphic depictions of gore or writing smut at all, though, so that is why I haven't marked this as mature.

And with that, I'd just like to thank you for your interest in this story! I hope it doesn't disappoint ^^

(Also, please feel free to comment and vote if you're enjoying the story!)

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