ⅩⅤⅠⅠ. Roots pt. 1

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[A/N: First order of business, if you are reading this story on any platform other than Wattpad, please leave that website and find this story on Wattpad. I've not authorized this story to be published anywhere else, but it's come to my attention that there are websites stealing Wattpad stories. So please, just don't.

ANYWAY, since I've been gone a hot second, here's a recap in case anybody needs it: 

In the beginning, a big ugly snake curse nearly kills Ikuko. Gojo swoops in and saves her. Afterward, Ikuko has a problem- her head feels like it's going to explode. Gojo takes her to Jujutsu Tech to stall her head from exploding while they try to figure out how to cure it. She learns some cool stuff about curses. Gojo antagonizes her in the woods late one night so that she releases the built-up cursed energy threatening to explode her head (note: trees explode instead).

Ikuko and Gojo share a heartfelt moment over some crepes, then Gojo pulls a jerk move and forces Ikuko to go to the hospital where her mother lies in a coma, despite Ikuko's protests and obvious trauma. But he's suspicious of Ikuko, so it's obviously okay. They get to the hospital, and the two strike a deal- Ikuko becomes a lab rat/student at Jujutsu Tech and Gojo will make sure her mom gets better. Yay. Then, they go to Ikuko's apartment where Gojo finds a creepy-green-eyed man who sets her closet on fire. Ikuko continues to have to bum clothes off of Ieri and Maki because of said fire. Ikuko finally begins formal training, becoming motivated to learn and also to impress Gojo.

Ikuko explodes a knife, nearly dying again, much to Gojo's concern. Said concern grows as Ikuko starts working herself to death. Gojo sends her clothes shopping with Maki for a break from both himself and training. Ikuko and Maki have fun shopping until the creepy green-eyed man shows up again. Maki fends off creepy man. They finish shopping, discuss their taste in men (Maki likes men more powerful than her, Ikuko likes men like Gojo-san), and promptly run into Inumaki, Panda, and Yuuta. Yuuta is about to die from Maki's wrath.

Now that everyone's on the same page, let's continue!]

Ikuko was impressed with this Yuuta person. Despite facing the full brunt of Maki's glare, the boy held his ground and waved, the tremble in his voice and his smile the only thing that betrayed his nervousness.

"Maki-san! It's been a while..."

The black-haired girl marched up to Yuuta, "A while?! You've been gone for over a month! And you couldn't even be bothered to let us know you were alright?"

"I told Gojo-sensei to keep you updated!"

"Ah, yes," Maki said, rolling her eyes, "Gojo-sensei, the most reliable man in Jujutsu Tech. You know what he told us? One week he told us you were in America partying it up with a bunch of 'hot chicks.' Another week he told us you were at the bottom of the ocean fighting a kraken."

Ikuko hid a smile behind her hand. Gojo certainly had a... unique way with words.

At this point, Maki had grabbed the poor boy by his collar and was threatening to snap his neck in two with how hard she was shaking him. Quickly, Inumaki and Panda stepped in, separated the two, and suggested that Ikuko and Maki should find them all a place to sit while Inumaki, Panda, and Yuuta ordered food. By the time the boys returned, Maki had calmed down enough to not resume the physical beat down she'd started with Yuuta, but she'd transitioned into giving the boy the silent treatment, attacking her box of noodles as if it had offended her and refusing to make eye-contact with anyone.

Ikuko gave Yuuta a small smile as he sat down next to her, "Yuuta-san, is it? I'm Ikuko. I joined Jujutsu Tech not too long ago."

"Ah, nice to meet you," Yuuta said, bobbing his head in a quick bow, "Do you... mind if I ask what brought you to Jujutsu Tech? You look at least twenty, so you can't be a high schooler. Not to be rude! You don't have to answer. I just thought it was strange, ya know? An adult joining the school in the middle of the term..."

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