Ⅰ. Birthday Wishes

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Ikuko had barely stepped out onto the busy streets of Tokyo when she determined that this would be a great day. It was her birthday, after all, and she'd be damned if she didn't make it through today without crying. Besides, she couldn't let tears spoil such a brilliantly beautiful day.

The sun hung above her in the clearest skies she thought she'd ever seen, skies so clear they were devoid of even the wispiest of clouds. She closed her eyes against the chill air, hoping to catch a reflection of the bright blue expanse on the backs of her eyelids. There was no rest for the weary, however. A gust of wind pushed at her back, and she remembered that she hadn't stepped outside simply to ogle at the sky.

I actually have somewhere to be in the next... she glanced at her watch... twenty minutes.

A yawn pulled itself from the depths of her throat, and she strung her arms above her head to stretch the sleep from her joints.

If only I could stretch the sleep from my brain just as easily.

Though still quite sleepy, Ikuko pressed on across the street. She moved with the flow of foot traffic for a while, but it wasn't long before the hospital loomed large, like a great stain against the blue sky, ahead of her. Her muscles tensed the closer she got to the great big building, and shivers began to climb up and down her spine. It was no use. She forced her way through the crowd and off onto the side streets, which would take her on a circuitous route through the residential areas.

Ikuko felt her body relax, a sigh of relief poised at the back of her throat.

"Good morning, Nishimura-san!"

Choking down the sigh, Ikuko turned to see the kind, older lady who'd helped familiarize her with the area when she moved in a few months back. The older lady was waving from where she stood across the street, just in front of her house.

Ikuko smiled, stopping to return the wave, but also making sure to maintain the distance between them, "Good morning, Mori-san. How's the wrist today?"

"Oh, just fine, dear," she said, waving off her worries with said wrist, "And to which job are you headed today? I swear, girl, you've got to settle for one of them."

"I'm helping out at the Watanabes' shop today."

"The Watanabes'? What're you doing all the way over here then? You'd be better off taking the main street and going on past the hospital."

Her smile thinned, "Oh, you know me, Mori-san. I like the scenic routes best."

"Hmm," Mori-san said, eyes narrowing in obvious skepticism, "Well, then, I won't hold you, dear. I just wish you'd come by to visit every now and again, like you used to. And I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd like you to."

Ikuko could almost feel the blood drain from her face as she attempted to splutter out some kind of excuse. Why did Mori-san have to be so perceptive?

Mori-san tutted at her spluttering, "I know, I know, it's always something. You're busy with your jobs or you've come down with a bug or something. No need to make up another excuse; I'm just some old lady, after all," Her eyes softened a tad, "But I wish you'd stop being so careless with that family of yours."

Ikuko bid Mori-san a hasty farewell as she felt another shiver climb its way up her spine. She knew she was a coward for fleeing, but she didn't know what else to do. Her heart was trying to beat a hole through her chest, and even thinking about the hospital...

Ring. Ring. Ring.

Someone was calling her. Glancing at her phone, Ikuko felt the bottom drop out of her stomach. Speak of the devil... She was tempted to let it go to voicemail, but it was her birthday. She wouldn't do that to them.

She pressed the phone to her ear.

"Hey, Dad..."

"Hey, baby girl..."

His voice sounded tired, hesitant, and a little surprised. Guilt twisted knots inside of Ikuko.

He was silent for several heartbeats, as if wanting her to say something, but it seemed he eventually realized she wasn't, "So... how are you doing? How's it been settling into the new apartment?"

"It's been good. Everyone's nice and helpful around here."

"That's good, that's good..." he trailed off into another heartbeat of silence before continuing, "Well, I just wanted to tell you happy birthday, from your mom and me."

"Thanks, Dad."

"...and I was also wondering if maybe... if perhaps you could come visit her? I'll be at the hospital all day, and I'm sure she'd love it if you came..."

Ikuko felt the tears pricking her eyes. She bit her cheek to keep them back, "Dad... I'm sorry. You know I wish I could. I just... I can't."

"Yes, no, I know it's hard on you. I just thought... Anyway, I shouldn't have asked."

"I'm sorry. You know I love you guys, right? Tell her that for me, would you?"

"Of course I will, and we love you too..." he said, his voice cracking.

Ikuko could almost feel the emotion in his voice as it cracked. It was as if someone had just knifed her in the back. 

Several heartbeats passed.

Finally, "Have a great day, baby girl. Good-bye."

"Bye," she said, softly.

[A/N: Thanks for reading! Please consider voting and/or commenting if you're enjoying the story so far ^^]

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