A/N: Postscript

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Hello everyone! This is the last author's note of the MEBBS, and it's surreal to me that it's all finally over. I remember posting the first chapter back in November of 2020. Such a long time ago it seems! Now, 2.5 years later, I've finished this story at about 62,000 words! This is a huge accomplishment for me as someone who loves to write but also always felt like she could never finish a story. 

Thank you to everyone who's read MEBBS, everyone who took the time to vote, everyone who commented their reactions! All of you kept me motivated when I thought I didn't have the energy to post one week or whenever I thought I'd just give up and quit. To any readers who stuck with me since the very beginning, thank you. I don't know if there are any of you out there, but if there are, just know it really means a lot to me ^^ 

And one last thank you to all those future readers out there! I hope you had as much fun reading it as I had writing it, and don't be afraid to continue to vote, comment, or message me! Just because the story's over doesn't mean I'm disappearing from Wattpad. Each and every bit of support, even support after the story has ended, means the world to me!

Finally, I wish you all the best day and the best future, and maybe I'll see y'all again in another story ^^

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