Epilogue 2/3

586 18 7

Vs. Mahito Arc

Ikuko was sitting outside, enjoying the setting sun when she heard hurried footsteps approach her.


Her eyes shot open upon hearing the concern in Ijichi's voice, and she sat forward, muscles tensing.

"Ijichi-san, what's wrong?"

"It's Itadori," he said, shaking his head, "I'm afraid he's just run off to do something dangerous. You're the first person I could find to send after him."

Ikuko's heart rate quickened as she lept to her feet, "Tell me where he went."


The air was charged with cursed energy, rippling across Ikuko's skin like a thousand tiny sparks and sending shivers along her spine. It was quiet, though it was a quiet which, set against the alarming amount of cursed energy, did nothing to calm her uneasiness.

Ikuko looked up, a grimace breaking across her face.

A school building, of course it would be a school building with its maze-like hallways and dozens of classrooms on each floor.

Ikuko jumped as a sudden explosion split the air.

If she'd had any doubt that this was the right place, it dissolved as she whirled around to see a jellyfish-like shikigami crash through a window followed shortly after by Yuji. Her head whipped back and forth, looking for the best way to reach Yuji, who was locked in combat with what appeared to be a young boy and his shikigami.

Without a moment's hesitation, Ikuko bolted through the school's double doors and shut her eyes, allowing herself to open up to the glow of cursed energy around her.

Where, where... There!

Yuji's distinctive cursed energy blazed in her mind's eye, a fiery trail that raced down the corridor and disappeared around a corner. Ikuko raced after it, eyes closed, all caution thrown to the wind. Around the corner, up a flight of stairs, down another hallway... Suddenly, another crash reached Ikuko's ears. Her steps halted as she focused her senses, searching... Two floors above her. She could see him, a bright ball of flame next to a smaller flame.


Above the two flames, Ikuko spotted something, another flame, and the feel of it stirred her stomach. Her eyes flew open as panic coursed through her veins.

Stairs, stairs, stairs, where are the stairs?!

By the time Ikuko reached the correct floor, though, she was too late. She'd just reached the landing below when, looking up, she saw the curse touch the young, unknown sorcerer she'd seen fighting Yuji. Her stomach twisted, and she stumbled as her vision swam. Her head felt light. The air seemed to warp as the black-haired kid was transformed, like softened clay squeezed between fingers, into a monstrous creature.

"Itadori!" Ikuko shouted as the once-human creature lunged at Itadori.

But the pink-haired boy seemed to be trapped in a daze, focused on the creature attacking him, "Junpei! Get ahold of yourself!" he put the curse into a headlock, "Sukuna!"

Ikuko's heart lept in her throat. She couldn't let Itadori call on Sukuna, but she couldn't stop Itadori without saving his friend, the creature, Junpei. She turned her attention to the curse called Mahito. He was grey-haired and almost human, and he watched Itadori's distress with malicious delight. Rage boiled in Ikuko's gut.


She ran up the stairs, launching a fist at the curse's head.

He stepped back, dodging the attack with a laugh, "Oh? Where did you come from?"

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