Ⅶ. An Afterthought

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Gojo had many thoughts running through his head that night. After seeing Nishimura safely to her room, he'd stepped out onto the porch and stared out at the moonlit sky for a long while, mulling over his suspicions and how this latest confirmation fit into the whole mess. He leaned his elbows on the railing, resting his head in his palms with a sigh.

Perhaps tomorrow he would get more answers. As it was, all he had was an itching suspicion, one which left him almost wishing he hadn't found that woman, Nishimura Ikuko, at that park.

"Satoru, you're supposed to be meeting with Principal Yaga right now."

Gojo didn't bother turning around, instead simply waving a hand dismissively, "The old man's used to waiting on me by now. I'll be there in a bit."

"I know. I was simply stating a fact," Shoko said, coming to stand beside him.

Several moments passed in companionable silence.

Finally, "She's a sweet girl, that Nishimura-san. Never complained when she came in for check-ups, though I could tell how much her head was bothering her," Shoko said, then laughed, "And she didn't seem at all mad at you for disappearing on her. Just asked me where you were and if you were alright."

Gojo only hummed in response, but he felt guilt prick at his stomach, I'll make sure to be early tomorrow...

"So, what are you planning to do with her?"

"Don't know," Gojo said truthfully, pushing off from the rail and stretching, "I need more information before deciding anything, but for now I'll just make sure she's safe, hopefully keep the higher-ups in the dark and out of her business."

Shoko raised an eyebrow, "Oh, so her situation is that serious?"

"I hope not," Gojo shrugged, "but if it is, I don't want those old fools digging their claws into her."

That's the last thing anyone needs.

His eyes narrowed briefly from underneath his blindfold, but then he smiled, "Anyway, I should probably head-on. If I keep Yaga waiting much longer, he might scold me."

Gojo threw one final wave behind him, before disappearing into thin air.

Shoko sighed. Hopefully, he was actually headed for that meeting, but knowing Gojo, it also wouldn't surprise her if he took a detour or two along the way...

[A/N: Here's that mini-chapter ^^ As always, thanks for reading! If you're enjoying the story so far, please consider voting and/or commenting!]

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