A/N: More Fun

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Hey all! I promise I'm alive (though sometimes I'm not so sure ^^;). Sorry that this isn't an actual update, but I thought I'd do something fun now that I've gotten a bit of a breather from school. I'll also be working more on the next chapter, titled: His Determination. I'm hoping to get that out in the next week or two.

Anyway, in the meantime, have some fun Jujutsu Kaisen stuff that's been getting me through the semester! (Disclaimer: I did not make any of these)

Some Backstreet Boys shenanigans and other vids:

(spoiler-ish warning: scenes from some early episodes used in the next vid)


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(Artwork used with permission of the artist, asianism, on Instagram

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(Artwork used with permission of the artist, asianism, on Instagram. Please do check this person out! The artwork is just *chef's kiss*: https://www.instagram.com/asianism/)

Funny Spoiler-ish Meme (it just shows some images from the last few episodes of season one):

Funny Spoiler-ish Meme (it just shows some images from the last few episodes of season one):

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