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. byakuya pov .
- time skip to next morning <3
i retraced my steps from yesterday, when i was walking back home. i still regret what i did, but i'm going to see makoto today. no matter what. and komaru, I need some answers from her, about what she said yesterday. nevertheless, i managed to go into the school, ignoring all the pesky little normal ones. but, what i saw was somewhat surprising .


komaru was trying to talk to makoto, while he was wheezing. he glanced at me, and eyes grew wide. "m-makoto? i'm so sorry...what i did was wrong yesterday- can you forgive me?", i whispered, after getting a little closer to him so people wouldn't hear us.

he looked up at me, and replied, "no, i should apologize. you were right, i shouldn't be talking about that so much.

"well, c'mon, let's go to class."

aw, he's so cute. but is he sick? he looks awfully tired, i'm worried about him. "hey, makoto, are you sick?"
makoto frowned, and said, "uh, not that i know of! just a bad caugh, that's all. i'll tell you if it gets worse!"

i smiled. his voice was always so relieving to hear. not in a weird way, of course.

"heyy- how come you'll talk to him, but not me makoto?"

oops. we had forgotten komaru behind-!

"because. think about all those things you said komaru-! it...it really hurt me."
what-? what exactly happened when i stormed off? before i could ask, makoto rushed into the room, and took his usual seat next to chihiro and maizono, with me in front of him. well, something happened, that's for sure. i'll find out soon enough, so it's alright for now.

makotooooooo poooooovvvvvvv😋👊
"chihiro", i whispered, nudging my one of my best friends.

"hey, makoto! could we talk for a bit?", i heard a girl ask me. of course, it wasn't any girl - it was sayaka!

"yes! you don't even have to ask me y'know," i smiled, playfully rolling my eyes.

"yeah,yeah, well, uh...i think i like mukuro! what do i do?"

i couldn't help but let a smile creep up my face, and i nudged her. "i mean, i'm pretty sure everyone already knew, sayaka. but, i think she likes you back-! you should totalllyyyy ask her out soon!", i said, hugging her.

sayaka returned the hug, and softly giggled. "ok! i will! i just hope she likes me back..."

"of course she does, silly. either way, it'd be her loss if she didn't like you!", i beamed.

she blushed and warmly stared at me. "you're not the best with words...but you're really kind. thank you, makoto. for everything. you're the best best friend i could've ever had."

whoa. what made her say that? i'm really glad though - really, reallt glad. "sayaka," , i started, "it's me who needs to thank you. you're always there for me when i need you - what more is there to a best friend than that! you're absolutely amazing-! but, why did you feel like saying this now-? i mean, we're in the middle of class, y'know. kind of random. not that i don't appreciate it! you're absolutely amazing, sayaka. i wouldn't replace you with anyone."

quickly hugging me, sayaka responded. "i dunno. just felt like it i guess-! but, we've never really thanked eachother, right? it's a really kind thing to do. so, thank you for everything, makoto! i'll give it my all when i ask her out!", she exclaimed.

"uh-i think everyone may have heard you..." i whispered, glancing at everyone staring at us.

"well,well,well-!", mr monokuma started. "sayaka and makoto, you two sure have been talking a lot. care to explain what it was about?"

shit. this sucks.

"well-! i'm asking someone out. surely me and makoto planning something as important as that's okay, right?", sayaka bravely spoke out, attempting to get us out of trouble.

"huh?! no way is it! mr . naegi and ms . maizono have been found guilty! meet me at the gym after school for your punishment...", the scary teacher cackled.
ding dong, bing bong.
"well, there's the bell! cya later, kiddos."

awww. punishment...well,that's great.

chihiro finally approached me. "hey, sorry for not responding earlier! i was taking notes."

makoto grinned. "it's not a proble-"
cough. cough. cough .
"sorry about that!", i giggled. before i could say anything, byakuya bumped into me , by accident. i felt all fluttery inside, and sayaka and chihiro grinned at me.

"oh gosh. i'm sorry, makoto! i heard about you getting a 'punishment' , i hope it goes decent. don't overwork yourselves.", he smiled...blushing? strange.

"kekeke, it's no problem! it'll probably be easy, just some extra homework, or cleaning a bit. i'll be fine!", i said. I attempted to laugh, but my chest tightened on the inside, especially when i glanced up at byakuya, who was worried about me.

"hey, makoto? you alright?", he quietly asked.

unable to respond, i quickly hurried over to the bathroom, chihiro and maizono calling after me. what's going on? once i made it there, i started coughing into the sink. once my coughing fit was over, i sighed. i guess i have a terrible cough, it'll go away soon. i looked in the sink, making sure there was no blood or anything, but what i saw was very weird...


why are there petals, covered in blood? peony petals, to be exact. "im just tired...that's all. probably imagining things!", i smiled, trying to convince myself. well, anyway, i washed them away, and quickly made it out of the bathroom, into the hallway.

"what happened?! are you okay, makoto?", chihiro asked.

"yeah! we were so worried...!" sayaka quickly said, both of them immediately hugging me.

"guys, i'm okay! just a really bad cough!", i lied.

they seemed relieved, so i'm guessing they beleived my lie. within a few seconds, they started bombarding me with questions like, "so...byakuya's the lucky one?!" or "hmm, what made you like byakuya?", until we made it to class.

a/n : ,, i literally thought i published this a few days ago😟

edit : why tf is this so cringy,,

edit 2 : i edited some of the annoying parts out yw😏😏

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