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Makoto POV .

1pm, 1pm !

So far, in the past couple of hours, I've decided that I'm going to tell him at 2pm.

Which, I just realized, is in one hour.

(I love the fact that Chihiro is currently sobbing and Sayaka's dead while Makoto's all , :D :( :D :( /)

I mean, I don't think if I get heartbroken, it's going to hurt all that much, right?


Scribbling down a small extra sentence here and there on my note, I started preparing, and mentally running through the possible scenarios.

Scenario 1 :

I'll knock on his door, give him the letter, and he'll be like,

"Oh dear ! Makoto, I love you too !"

I mean, he'll talk how he normally does, but I think it makes sense.

Scenario 2 :

Again, I'll knock on his door, and he'll answer. I'll give him my letter, of course, he'll read it, but,

he'll say no. And then continuously insult me for thinking a I had a chance with someone as professional as him. To be honest, I doubt it's going to be any different than how he treated me when I first saw him.

Scenario 3 :


in this scenario, I end up staying in my dorm and being too scared to tell him how I feel.

I'd probably die here though, so this is a no go.

Actually - I'd die in scenario 2, er...

Well - whatever! I'll just, y'know, pretend like I'm a normal high schooler.

Oh, wait, I just remembered, there's another Ultimate Lucky Student here, right?

Hmm, Komaeda? Nagito! Nagito Komaeda! Ah, I wonder how he is. Maybe he's an average student like me. Or maybe his luck's really special. Or he could be really crazy. Well, either way, I probably won't meet him, and I'm definitely not going out of my way to meet him. Anywhoo, I wonder how Kuya's doing...

aa, that nickname's gotten old. I'll just call him Byakuya, 'cause I'm not calling him Byak. That's, that's really weird.

Seriously! Imagine saying, 'Hey, Byak, what's up?'
I mean, yeah, it's a nice name in general. But it just doesn't seem like a nickname...

Sighing, I grabbed my phone, wishing I had a charger. What am I missing out on because of my disease?

I, honestly, blame this on Byakuya. I mean, if he wasn't so cute, and dreamy, with his gorgeous hair, I really wouldn't be in my scenario right now.

Feeling a cough come, I rolled my eyes, and mentally prepared myself, and blood and petals began pouring out of me.

Half an hour passed.

The burning sensation grew.

Still coughing.

40 minutes passed.

Still coughing.

50 minutes.

Still coughing.

It's at times like these, were I genuinely wonder,

'Am I really the Ultimate Lucky Student?'

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