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          Byakuya POV

Okay, well, I was right. Something is up with Makoto, as he tried telling me in his dream. But alas! He couldn't tell me during his dream... and I'm not the Ultimate Detective to be able to figure out what's wrong. Tomorrow was Valentine's Day too, but everyone in our class was already together, except for a few, like me. Will I get asked out? Maybe I will...! Erm, besides Toko, of course. Ah, but I don't like anyone...

But as I thought that, my heart practically refused to accept it. It was as if I did like someone. Makoto, perhaps?

Not wanting to think about lousy crushes anymore, I got up, and started watching reality TV shows. I can't lie, the drama's fun. 

       Makoto POV

Having a dead phone sucks. I wanna talk to Sayaka and Chihiro and Byakuya and Kyoko and Celeste and, and Hagakure, and...pretty much everyone!

On second thought, Sayaka would be talking about Mukuro right now, so maybe not her. 

How would I pass time...

Can't really leave my dorm too much, 'cause I'd get caught, and, I look

Which is really sad, since I look amazing with my ahoge and classic, normal, plain outfit. 

Like, this whole 'disease' thing's just...annoying. It's even making me less optimistic. BUT, on the bright side, I get free flowers. So I think it's a win-loose. 

While I rambled inside of my head like this, I started overthinking. 

And then that lead to the thought of,

"What if the Togami Family line dies?"

Which made me think of Byakuya.

Which made me have a coughing fit.

But I didn't really mind anymore, tomorrow would fix it all! I mean, if he likes me, but I'm the Ultimate Lucky Student, so he hopefully will. After some coughing, I grabbed the love letter. Right now, I felt mad. And I don't know why? I just...felt like...telling him already, getting this over with, or even just sobbing into my pillow. 

But no. I'm not going to.

Feeling hungry, I went to get food. No one should be around, it's 11:30, and a weekend. The dorm kids are probably going to eat at 12, so I should be good.

I walked out, and casually strolled into the cafeteria, but someone was there.

Chihiro, and he was smirking.

"Hehehe, I knew I'd find you! How are you, and why won't you respond to my messages? Tomorrow's the big day! I found out Hina isn't dating Sakura, so I have a shot. But I think they have a crush on each other, but they're afraid to say it. Wait, you need to answer my questions!", he yelled, and I used my hands to signal for him to be quiet. 

"Chihiro! Sorry, sorry, my phone died, and I forgot a charger...", I responded, feeling a bit guilty. "but I'm fine, for the most part. I think tomorrow's gonna be great, and you should try asking Aoi. After all, you never know what'll happen!"

His smirk turned into a soft smile, as he ran into me, attacking me with a hug. 
"We missed you, Makoto", he murmured. 

Out of shock, I had lifted my hands up, before wrapping them around Chihiro, returning the hug.

"S-same... I swear it'll never happen again."

"Good!", I heard a new person say. It was a familiar voice, though. Before I could properly react, I felt a third person hug us.

"Sayaka! When did you get here?", Chihiro asked, with me nodding beside him. 

"Like, two seconds ago. But Makoto, look at those eyebags, oh my god, the moment valentine's day's over, we're taking you to Junko and getting her to fix you all up!", she exclaimed, then walking over to a table, and handing me a proper meal.

"Here, we'll keep guard, 'kay? Please eat, I don't think you've been eating too good by sneaking your meals around", Sayaka said, her eyes darkened with concern.

I giggled a bit. "Thank you, Sayaka and Chihiro", I softly say, before digging into the salad she handed. 

Chihiro nodded before going to the door, Sayaka went to the other door.

Once I was almost done, Chihiro ran over. "Alert, alert! Abort the mission! Hifumi's coming...!", he whisper-shouted.

Grabbing my salad, I ran to the exit Sayaka was at. "Guys, thank you so much for the time, I love you both so much -  platonically - and I'll get going. Bye!", I said, quite sad to be leaving them. I mean, it's really fun to have company, right?

"Bye! We'll find you in Valentine's Day!", Sayaka called after I ran down the hallway.

I could hear the faint voices, since I was eating my salad in the hallway, wanting to hear what was happening in the cafeteria.

"So", I heard Hifumi say, "I heard some voice! You two are hiding something, I never would've imagined...", he said, and before my friends could respond, I heard Hifumi come up with a wild conclusion, his face probably sparked up right then, too.

"...don't tell me, you're cheating on Mukuro with Chihiro, Sayaka...! That's just wrong! Really wrong, honestly, but the interesting! I bet you two were doing the famous lady and the tramp scene... y'know what? This would make for an amazing fanfiction, I'm off you two lovebirds! I wonder what you two are gonna do...", he said, and it was obvious he would be smirking.

Shoving the last bit of salad into my mouth, I ran to my dorm, knowing Hifumi would be coming in a bit.

I threw away the plastic box the salad had come in, and looked around the dorm room, before realizing it came with a TV, which was under the bed! Aw, I could've been watching TV this whole time...

Plugging it in, I jumped into my bed, covering myself in the soft blanket, and watched anime. 

Eventually, I accidentally took a nap, oops! Deciding to skip dinner, I fell asleep once again, and had a dream.

Not a shared dream, but a dream.

A dream about me eating soup, for a really long time. But it was fun! I liked it.

But now, as I woke up, a sense of dread filled up inside of me.

Today was Valentine's Day.

// wait guys go read my terrible fanfic and vote on it nOW

jk it sucks pls dont

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