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A/N from the future. Lol I wrote this such a long time ago (as in years) I feel like I'm writing on somebody else's story. Y'all I unpublished a while ago bc I know this story is kinda bullshit but it brings me back to a time when I was very happy and innocent and the memory of writing this silly thing makes me smile. 

So don't take it serious. I'm doing this for nostalgia only so don't go and bring bad vibes :) 

Izuku sat with his legs folded under him on his bed, leaning back comfortably on his headrest as Tsu retold him what had gone down with and Tokoyami, nodding along politely as she described how embarrassing the whole ordeal had been. The two had been friends since their first lesson at the USJ, both extremely kind individuals who seemed to understand what the other needed on a deeper level. Now, going into their last semester of the second year, they were best friends.

"Have you considered pretending that it was your quirk that made you spill soba over him? Maybe your feet got stuck somehow and it was only natural for you to fall forward like that?" Izuku suggested, although his idea sounded less than convincing to his own ears. Still, he wanted to help his friend out however he could. Tsu had been hiding her true feelings from Tokoyami for almost a year now with little to no progress. Izuku had tried to drum up countless plans for the two to become closer but turns out his hero analysis was far better than his social analysis. 

Tsu gave him her practiced look of that-would-never-work. She twirled a strand of dark green hair in her hands as she spoke, leaning against the opposite side of Izuku's bed. She had been to his apartment many times since they had become friends- Inko always inviting her over for dinner. Izuku could somewhat understand his mother's clear favoriting of the girl. The other friends he had introduced her to, Iida included, had been a little too intense for her to say the least. But Tsu was so kind and well-spoken, always knowing the right thing to say to assure Inko.

"I don't that would work Kero." Tsu stated. "I'm sure he already saw me staring. Besides, it will be even more conspicuous if I tell him that after the fact."

Izuku sighed and stretched out his legs. She was probably right. His brows furrowed slightly as he heard his mother speaking over the phone, she sounded more agitated than usual. Who was she talking to?

"She sounds upset" Tsu observed. Her line of thinking must have been similar to Izuku's. Inko was anything but impatient, it was odd for her to take such a tone over the phone. Izuku instinctively wanted to go check on her. 

He was used to caring for his mother, hiding half-truths away, or anything that might upset the overly emotional woman. As soon as he was first pronounced quirkless she had become more fretful than usual. He felt horrible for the way his mother had felt- watching as worry lines became engraved on her face over time. He had started to learn it was better to care for the problem himself than have her worry by the time he was eight. By the time he was ten, it had become known that adults were not to be depended on. Don't get him wrong- he loved his mother. But it was sometimes hard for him to step away from the role of caregiver and into the role of son.

"Maybe I should go check on her." Izuku's voice drifted, becoming lost in worry. Before either teen could say anything more his mother's voice became louder.

"Yes. I'm going to tell him right now. Just be patient." She said before the room going silent completely. She must have hung up the phone. 

Tsu slid down from the bed, looking apologetic. Her eyes were wide as she whispered to Izuku, "I should go."

She hurried from the apartment, just stopping long enough to slip on her shoes before she was off, probably heading back to the dorms. Izuku began to go after her so she wouldn't have to go on the train by herself but his mother stepped in front of him. Her eyes were teary, immediately stopping Izuku in his tracks.

She spoke softly, her voice shakey in the way it always was before she began to cry. "We need to talk."

Izuku's stomach tightened. The last time she had taken that tone was after he had gone out to rescue Kacchan. He nodded anyway, letting her guide him over to their kitchen table. They sat across from each other in tense silence for a moment before Inko finally began to speak.

"I love you so so much sweetie," She began. "You know your father loves you too."

His father could care less about him but Izuku didn't need to rehash old fights.

"Which is what makes this decision so difficult to make. Hiashi has asked us to join him in the States. He misses having a family, you have to understand this had been incredibly hard on him. You know I would do anything for your father Izuku. I don't want him to have to be alone. But I also know that your in the midst of your hero studies and U.A. would not want you to stray too far with all these villain attacks."

Izuku nodded although he wasn't quite following. She knew they couldn't leave right? They hadn't seen this man in almost eleven years and she was willing to drop everything to go to him?

Inko suddenly veered subjects, a proud smile coming over to her face as she looked over at Izuku. "You're my pride and joy. You've always been such an independent child, so driven. All these things you've accomplished all by yourself makes me so happy. You would be perfectly fine staying at U.A. wouldn't you? You can always go home with Tsu for holiday breaks, her parents adore you."

His head swam as he tried to take in everything she was saying. Did she want to leave him? Go to the states alone?

She must have misinterpreted his expression. "I know you always worry about your poor mother but I'll have Hisashi with me. I'll be just fine baby." She spoke sweetly, reaching a hand over to the table to clasp his own. He had to stop himself from pulling away as anger overtook him. She wasn't worried about him in the slightest.

"U.A. will have temporary custody over you until Hisashi and I can return. I know this is hard Izuku but we have to do what is right for our family."

What about what was right for him?

Izuku forced a tight smile on his face. "Of course mom. I understand."

She sighed in relief as a few tears slipped out. He felt even angrier at the sight. He should be the one crying right now.

He got up abruptly, chair scraping harshing against the ground as he stood. Izuku left the room quickly, not giving himself enough time to let his emotions get the best of him, as he rushed into his room. His emotions swirled into an unreadable mess as he sat on his bed. Of course, he wanted his mother to be happy above all else, that's all he ever wanted. It was hard for him to give himself the right to be upset with her, questioning if it was selfishness that made him want her to stay. 

The sun's rays pierced through his window, casting golden light across the room as he sat in controlled speculation. For a while, all was quiet as he watched the sun sink lower and lower into the sky until all he could see was a slight sliver of the once vibrant light. He didn't find peace until darkness had completely overtaken the light. 

Alone, he watched the sunset.


Hi! I'm so excited to share this with you all! I can't wait to hear what you all think. This will be a pretty fluffy dadzawa story to brighten your day! Don't be deceived, the first chapter was a bit heavy, but that was just to set up the main storyline. 

I just wanted to ask that no MHA Spoilers from The Japanese Hero Billboard Chart Arc (end of season 4)  and on be commented on any of my stories or page. 

If you're new to my page I would love for you to check out my other stories. I have MHA fanfic stories as well as original character stories! Thank you so much for reading! -Millie

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