Solar Eclipse

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Complexities, perplexities, tear the world apart

Falling from my mind into a new beginning

In the world's death there are broken bursts of gold

The sun and moon fighting for their time

But as the stars come crashing down, only one will rise


It had been one of the worst nights of his life. He had barely slept at all, the tears keeping him awake and memories coming in waves. It wasn't fair. None of this was. He was just a kid. He never needed a lot growing up. He'd made his own dreams a reality, he had worked hard without needing to anyone hold his hand. But now he felt lost. 

Vulnerabilities had left his heart defenseless. 

He just wanted to be a kid now.

He didn't want to have his life fought over in some stupid trial, with strangers deciding his fate without even seeing his face. Where was the equality in that? Wasn't the court all about justice? The regulations put in place to protect him, shield him, were now the same regulations tearing him apart. It was impossible to lose something you never had, but Izuku had Aizawa. Maybe not in the eyes of the law. Or even the eyes of his peers. But Aizawa had been his dad from the minute he took Izuku home from Recovery Girl. 

It was impossible to lose something you never had but Izuku had had hope. 

Maybe it had been childish to think this would be some fairytale ending, but he'd wanted it so badly, more than anything. Everyone else got their happy ending. Where was his?

"Do you want to go say goodbye to them now?" Aizawa asked, glancing at his watch. 

They'd been packing up Izuku's things for most of the day. If the trial went in his mom's favor he would most likely be pulled immediately. It made sense to say goodbye to his friends now when they weren't racing time. As if they weren't already. Izuku was starting to think he'd been racing time from the beginning. 

He nodded silently, setting down the box he'd been holding next to the rest of the pile. He laughed softly without humor as he says the name 'problem child' printed in sharpie on the side of one of the boxes. He rubbed his eyes quickly to avoid Aizawa seeing him tearing up for the countless time that day. 

"Do you want me to go with you? Hizashi will be fine packing up the rest of this by himself." Aizawa offered. His eyes were bloodshot and puffy. He hadn't cried nearly as much as Izuku, at least not until he was behind closed doors. But Izuku still heard it. He looked much older than before. Like he'd aged ten years in one night. 

Izuku sucked in a shaky breath, waiting to speak until he knew his voice wouldn't crack. "No that's okay." He ducked his head as he opened the door. "I'll see you later."

"See you later kid." Aizawa answered quietly. 

Izuku waited for a beat, debating with himself if he should say something more.  But everything he wanted to tell Aizawa they both already knew. The room was cold. He noticed as he stood facing the door. It had never felt like that before. He left in the next second. 

The walk across campus was short-lived. He was too wrapped up in his own thoughts to pay attention to what was around him. The class already knew. He'd sent a single text and then shut off his phone. He didn't want to see their questions, answer their calls, he didn't want to explain how everything was ruined. 

Tears were already back in full force before he'd even stepped back the entrance. Tsu was already there and waiting. It only took one second of pained eye-contact for her to open her arms to him. He collapsed into her, wrapping his arms around her tightly as he began to cry loudly. No words needed to be spoken between them, she just held him. That was enough. 

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