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You would think sleep would make you feel better. 

You would be wrong.

Izuku's mind felt hazy, his muscles heavy, completely disorienting, and uncomfortable. He groaned, arms tightening around his pillow as he tried to remember where he was. The pillow breathing was a pretty good hint. His eyelids felt heavy but he managed to crack one open, peeking up to see if what he thought was happening was actually happening. Sure enough, he was right, he had fallen asleep on Mr.Aizawa. Thankfully some embarrassment was saved since Izuku was the only one awake and didn't have to deal with the awkward 'sorry I fell asleep on you' conversation. The only thing he could think of that would be worse would be the 'I think I might have a crush on Shoto' conversation. He felt extremely out of it, the last thing he remembered was hearing Aizawa talk about the redesign of his capture weapon. He hoped his teacher wasn't offended he had fallen asleep during the story, even if that had been the goal. 

He carefully lifted himself from where he was been curled, trying to move as slowly as possible so he wouldn't wake the other. It seemed he wasn't quite stealthy enough as Aizawa stirred. 

"How do you feel kid?" Aizawa mumbled, eyes still glued shut. 

Izuku debated lying and saying he was fine- but while he might not have enough self-preservation, he most definitely had enough common sense to not lie to Aizawa a second time. He sat up, using the pillows as support. 

"Worse. Like...a lot worse. I feel like Iida ran over me."

"It would be Iida of all people wouldn't it?" Aizawa laughed tiredly. He sat up as well, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he looked over to Izuku. "Do you think you could stomach soup? It's from a can, don't worry I won't make you eat my awful cooking when you're feeling so bad."

Izuku snorted. He wouldn't say Aizawa's food was terrible; it wasn't good, but not terrible. The past few days had mostly consisted of them making trips over to Lunch Rush or Izuku cooking the two dishes he actually knew how to make, one of which just being plain rice. 

"Yeah, I think I'll be fine. It's not my stomach that's upset."

Aizawa nodded getting up stiffly. Izuku tried to follow but he was gently forced back down. "You stay. I think I can manage heating up a can of soup." 

Izuku's brows furrowed in worry. "Wait! You have to take the soup out of the can first before you heat it up!" he warned. 

"Obviously." Aizawa shrugged like that was a given but the confusion in his eyes made Izuku seriously doubt he hadn't been about to put an entire can in the microwave. He prayed silently that the soup wouldn't accidentally catch on fire or something similarly devastating occurring. 

Glancing over at his phone he could see school ended an hour ago, meaning he had pretty much spent an entire seven hours napping. Aizawa's bad habits must be rubbing off on him. Izuku couldn't even remember the last time he had spent five hours asleep straight. A strange sort of pride rushed through him. He swiped through his messages seeing if anything important had happened. There were a few missed calls from Iida, probably concerned since Izuku had nearly perfect attendance before this. A couple of cat memes sent from Shinso-that really shouldn't have been a surprise. His heart skipped a beat when he saw the most recent message from Shoto. 

Are you okay? Present Mic said you were sick. Do you want me to come over?

It was only sent five minutes ago. Izuku was very tempted to invite him over but he was also slightly concerned with Shoto's safety. Not just protecting him from whatever cold he had but also from an overly protective Aizawa. 

"Mr.Aizawa?" Izuku called out, cringing at how raspy his voice came out. He envied anyone who had a 'nice' sick voice', his sounded like he was a dehydrated 80-year-old man. "Do you think I'm contagious?"

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