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"Tsu?" He whispered.


"The one and only" she grinned, bending her knees in a little curtsey. Her long hair was tied back in a messy bun and she was decked out in head to toe black apparel. The perfect little criminal.  Tokoyami was dressed similarly, but that wasn't really anything new. Once, Izuku had seen Tokoyami in light gray outside of training and it had stuck with him ever since. 

"What are you guys doing here?" Izuku hissed, wrapping his arms around himself. Believe it or not- but being violently forced awake was not his idea of a good time. He tightened his grip once he realized how cold it was outside the safety of his covers. 

Tokoyami's face remained black as he informed him, "We're here to kidnap you."

Izuku paused, giving each of them a critical look. "Yeah okay....why are you really here?" 

"To kidnap you," Tsu repeated Tokoyami's words as if it should be obvious. She blinked up at him like she always did when he was being oblivious. But this wasn't obliviousness...this was just common sense. 

Feeling slightly idiotic, Izuku said, "What do you mean?"

Apparently fed up with all of them, Dark Shadow circled around Izuku, getting all up in his personal space as he leaned in close to his face. "To. Kidnap. You." He enunciated slowly. Izuku waved him away, holding out his hands to ward off his friends. 

"Uh- I'm good. Thanks." He said uncertainty, not entirely sure if they were joking or not. Tsu was usually very blunt but this was very out of character for her. 

"That's kind of the point of kidnapping. You don't get a choice." Tsu shrugged, stepping forward to grab one of his arms. 

Izuku couldn't even get out another question before a blindfold was slipped over his eyes as he felt himself being pulled forward by two sets of arms now. "Wait! You two are serious?" Izuku squeaked out, digging his heels in as they dragged him forward. But it was no use. Tokoyami and Tsu walked on without seeming to notice Izuku's unwillingness. They were both surprisingly strong, and Izuku wasn't about to activate his quirk so close to his best friend. 

They suddenly stopped and Izuku breathed out a sigh of relief. Maybe they were starting to doubt their plan. But that hope was quickly squashed as he heard the squeak from his window being pushed open. A gust of wind brushed past them, sending goosebumps down his arms. 

"We're going out the window? C'mon, let's think this through and just-" Izuku's pleading was cut short as he felt Tsu's tongue wrap around him, squishing him against Tokoyami as all three of them flew out the window. Everything was much more disorienting with the blindfold on, the only indicator they were scaling down the building was from his stomach dropping. It felt like a roller coaster he very much regretted getting on. 

He was only slightly jostled as they hit the ground, but it was much harder to navigate which way was forward and backward when he couldn't see where they were even going. He stumbled forward, barely managing to keep up with their long strides. They had each drifted to either side of him, latched onto each arm to keep him steady. 

"Can I at least know why I'm being kidnapped?" Izuku whined. He wasn't too worried. He trusted Tsu with his life, and although she could be a little bossy at times, she always had his best interests at heart; or at the very least, that's what he told himself. 

He could feel overgrown grass brushing against his bare feet, a pretty good indicator they were going in the opposite direction of any of the buildings. That made even less sense. He had guessed somewhere between being manhandled out of his bed and thrown out the window that his class was throwing a going-away party but if they were going towards the outer edges of campus, that didn't add up. Plus he couldn't hear anything other than their own quiet footsteps and some rebel crickets that were still out singing- he loved his class, but they were anything but quiet. Especially if Aoyama and Denki were with them. 

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