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Hi. I felt like this story needed a little more closure so here's the epilogue! But before we get into all that...

I want to start a new tradition where at the end of each of my stories I make a list of all my favorite quotes/moments from the story and an explanation of why. Feel free to disagree with me or say which ones were your favorite quotes. Let's get into it!

"Izuku was still scarred from Todoroki's last Aoyama theory"

-I mean I feel like this one is obvious but imagining Todoroki and Midoriya making theories together is so funny to me.

"Well um I-I jumped. I mean spun. Actually both it was more of a jump spin combo." Izuku spoke quickly. His bad habit of talking too much when he was nervous was once again having its moment to shine. "So I was jumping and spinning and then I was sideways in the air so I just...um...tripped in the air? My leg did a bendy thing when I landed but I'm totally fine!"

-He would be the one to trip in the air.

 "C'mon problem child...Or I'll sick Recovery Girl on you." 

-I want Recovery Girl to adopt me. Period. She deserves everything. 

"Luckily for him, the ground would always be there to break his fall. Hashtag bestie goals."

-No explanation needed 

"Sit down and ignore Sir Whiskers, he always looks like that"

-Sir Whiskers is based on my mom's cat. He's the weirdest cat I've ever met and I wanted Izuku to share in that experience lol. I feel kinda bad that Sir Whiskers didn't get a lot of mention in the story. When I made the story outline he was meant to be the comic relief but as I started hashing out the details I made the comic relief the whole Todoroki v.s. Aizawa thing....but I still really liked the idea of Sir Whiskers so I decided to keep him in just for fun. 

"Aizawa wasn't trying to be Hisashi 2.0, this wasn't a reverse parent trap"

-I thought it was funny lol...but I laugh at almost everything so that opinion might not be as valid. 

"For the love of everything good in this miserable life please be quiet"

-Bahaha I'm pretty much the opposite of Aizawa but this is still a mood

(in reference to the cat) "Look into its eyes! It's plotting my murder!"

-Me with any kind of swan or large bird. I swear they are all plotting our downfall. #cancelswans2021

"In his minimization, he felt whole"

-I like this for a variety of reasons. But this most prominent is because I feel like it defines a feeling a lot of people experience but can't describe. It's the security of having someone else take care of you, to have the responsibility taken from you. Ya know?

"Well I mean...you do give off major puppy dog vibes Izuku. I don't know what to tell you." AND "Whatever sunshine child wants"

-First of all, Tsu has my whole heart. Second of all, I'm really happy with the way her relationship with Izuku turned out. I've tried adding in secondary characters before and I didn't really get it. (Aka my half-hearted attempt to add in Uraraka in Freezing Futures. Oof...that just...wasn't well done.) But I'm starting to understand how to balance it all out now. Kinda. 

"My logic is as sound as my feet"

-It's a horse joke. Whoops lol.

"The last thing I need is for him to make my kid go deaf"

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