Nautical Dawn

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The sound of someone clearing their throat had Izuku jumping back from his almost kiss. He stumbled away from Shoto as he saw Aizawa leaning against the doorframe.

Well, this was the most humiliating moment in his entire existence. 


"I'm gonna count down from ten," Aizawa warned.

"What happens on one?" Izuku gulped, he didn't fear for himself but Shoto...well that was a different story.

Aizawa's face darkened into what can only be described as an evil grin. "Let's hope it doesn't come to that for your friend's sake. Ten....nine...eight-"

Shoto grimaced apologetically before darting out the door. Izuku rushed after him but Shoto hadn't even stopped to put on his shoes, dashing out of the apartment before Izuku could even blink. 

"Mr.Aizawa I can explain-" Izuku started, turning his attention back to the teacher. The terrifying expression on his face had already melted back to a neutral calmness. A shiver ran down Izuku's spine. He had known Aizawa could be scary but that was a whole different level of terrifying. 

"No need problem child," Aizawa said smoothly. "If there's anyone else interested in dating you just have them come talk to me." 

Izuku huffed. "You don't have to protect me, it's just Shoto. Shoto would never hurt me. He's actually really kind once you break down his walls and he is always respectful and...there isn't anything I can say about him that will get you to change your mind is there?" Izuku asked in exasperation. 


Well, at least he's honest. 

A ping from Izuku's phone interrupted them. Izuku pulled out his phone quickly, worry replacing exasperation as he thought about who it could be. He pleaded silently it wouldn't be his mom texting...or even worse, his dad. He breathed out in relief when he saw Tsu's contact picture instead, a photo of the two of them covered in sand on their last beach trip. 

Shoto caught me on my way over. He filled me in on Mr.Aizawa's reaction. I'm just gonna leave the box of lights outside your door. Good luck.

A second text sent a few seconds later.

I told you Shoto liked you. Tell me everything tomorrow before class.

How was it everyone was more invested in Izuku's love life than he himself? This seemed like a really poorly put together Rom-Com, one where he always seemed to be the brunt of the joke. He typed out a reply quickly before shutting off his phone completely.

Don't say I told you. See U tomorrow.

One last text sent right before the phone turned off.

Told you so.

Izuku looked back up to Aizawa who was also checking his phone. He has been glued to the device for the past couple of days, Izuku noticed. Not something very unusual for most modern-day adults, but Aizawa had never really been one to check his phone much before. Every time there was a class incident and Iida called or texted Aizawa, they most likely wouldn't get a reply until two days later. 

"Tsu just texted me. She said she left some stuff for my room outside." Izuku explained before opening the front door. Sure enough, there was a box that was spilling out fairy lights waiting on the welcome mat. He grabbed it quickly, shut the door, and started to carry it back to his room. He didn't bother turning around, he could hear Aizawa's footsteps following after him. 

They hung up the rest of the decorations in comfortable silence. There seemed to be a pattern developing between them. 

Finally, it was finished. Izuku stepped back to examine the final product. The room had been transformed into dark shades of greens and browns. A few plants were scattered on the desk and corners of the room, lights strewn in a perimeter around them. It was completely different from his other room. It was perfect. 

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