Civil Dawn

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Buckle up, it's gonna be a bumpy ride :)

Warning: Emotional Manipulation, neglect

The world was on fire, or maybe it was him. Warmth flooded through his veins, sending little sparks dancing up his spine every second longer he stayed kissing his best friend. Shoto's hands were wrapped lightly around Izuku's wrists, then moving up his arms and finally stopping when they were cupping Izuku's face. His touch was addicting and Izuku found himself greedily leaning further into Shoto.

They didn't separate until all the air had left his lungs. He stumbled into Shoto, dizzy from their closeness. He ghosted a hand over his mouth, trying to process what had just happened, before placing his hands on top of Shoto's.

"Sho" Izuku whispered, forcing himself to look Shoto in the eye.

Shoto's lips turned up in a shy smile. "Izuku."

They moved simultaneously, like magnets irresistibly drawn to each other- not that Izuku had any complaints. Just before they could kiss for a second time Tsu called out. "Todoroki? Izuku? What are you guys doing?"

Izuku stepped back, face painfully red as he tried to maintain some remnants of his fragile dignity. "Noth-"

"We were kissing," Shoto stated unashamedly. His face was blank as if he didn't realize most people weren't that open about these kinds of things. He might need a few more lessons on how to not be painfully truthful.

"Oh my Gosh." Izuku groaned, covering his face with his hands. He was pretty sure there wasn't a point now though- he could feel the blush moving down his neck too. "Shoto. You can't just tell everyone like that!"

Tsu grinned and shared a look with Tokoyami who had just caught up to her. "It finally happened." She told him. Tokoyami stayed somewhat emotionless but Dark Shadow did not share in his stoic naure- immediately bursting forth to look between Shoto and Iuzku. Great. Now the most gossipy quirk in existence knew.

"Congratulations." Tokoyami nodded.

Shoto thanked him before moving over to hold Izuku's hand. "See it's okay. You don't need to be embarrassed Izuku." He reassured.

"That doesn't help! Now everyone is going to know I like you!" Izuku whined although the blush was slowly subsiding. He didn't truly mind if his classmates knew, but Mr.Aizawa...that was a different story.

"I'm pretty sure everyone already knew," Tsu argued, tapping a finger on her chin. "You talk about him all the time Kero."

Shoto's smile widened at that as he looked down at Izuku.

Izuku was saved by the bell...or a ringtone. Same thing. He conveniently avoided looking at any of them as he pulled his phone out. He was caught by surprise to see Jirou's contact name pop up. He answered quickly, figuring it was urgent if she was the one calling. "Hello? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah but there's a green-haired woman out front asking for you. I don't know what to tell her? I figured it was your mom since nobody else has access to campus after hours but you better-come check."

"My mom?" Izuku mused, accidentally asking the question out loud. There was no way it could be his mom. She was on a different continent for Pete's sake. Plus that would have meant she was already in Japan when she called Izuku for her to get here so quickly. It didn't add up. At this point, he was hoping for another run-in with Toga. He glanced up at the others. Tsu and Shoto looked worried and Tokoyami looked...well it was kinda hard to read him. "Yeah, um, be right there." He answered, hanging up the call quickly.

"Can you guys go get Mr.Aizawa for me?" Izuku asked. The thought of talking to her after everything that had happened earlier made his stomach flip. At least if Mr.Aizawa was there he would have someone to back up what he had to tell her. He thought about how persistent his mom was. "On second thought. Can you get Nezu too?"

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