Astronomical Twilight

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Not me just now learning all the stages of night because of these chapter titles.

*Disclaimer I'm just a high school student, I don't know anything about legalities or child custody. Everything I'm writing as far as all that goes is completely made up so don't fact-check me lol. 

"I can't believe that just happened." Izuku half laughed half gasped. His brain felt...light. He wasn't sure if that was the best way to describe it but everything just felt so much easier. Sure, he would eventually have to speak with her again, but that could be a long time from now. Like he'd said before- there was an ocean between them; he used to resent the space but now he was growing increasingly grateful for it. 

Aizawa's face flickered between emotions. Shock, thoughtfulness, and finally, a soft smile. "I don't think I've ever seen you so mad before problem child. I didn't think you had it in you. You were right to tell her how you feel."

Izuku blushed, growing warm from the praise. While Shoto was always trying to convince Izuku of his 'amazingness' and his mother had complimented him in the overbearing way mothers do, it meant more coming from a man that was notorious for always speaking with a reason. "So what do we do now?" Izuku asked. It was a logical question seeing as they were at a crossroads of sorts.

"We wait. I neglected to tell you earlier because you had so much on your plate, but I've been working with Nezu to see if we can transfer temporary custody of you from U.A. to me. It will help when we inevitably have to get you to a doctor or filling out her forms for me to be your guardian for the time being. Of course, there's been a lot of legal hoops we had to get through, so it's been quite the process."

Izuku faltered. "So if you do get temporary custody...then what? Would you have more rights over me than Hisashi?"

Aizawa snorted. "Don't take this the wrong way but I don't think Hisashi should have any rights over you. As far as I'm concerned I'm much more like a father to you than he is. But to answer your question, yes. I would have primary rights over you until your mother returns or you turn 18." He seemed disgusted just by saying the name Hisashi. Izuku couldn't help but notice the hint of possessiveness in Aizawa's voice. Did he think of himself as a father figure to Izuku? 

"No offense taken. I much rather you be my dad but I guess life's just not fair sometimes." Izuku said wistfully. 

Aizawa sighed slowly as if it pained him so speak. "No. I guess not."

It was quiet for a moment. Izuku took the moment to really study Aizawa. His teacher seemed to be in some internal debate with himself, his eyes darkening. Maybe he was thinking about Inko, it was hard to say. Finally, Aizawa stood abruptly and said, "We should get going. School's almost over and Hizashi is probably going to come over soon. As funny as it would be, I'm not cruel enough to leave him alone with Sir Whiskers again."

The tension faded as Izuku laughed softly. "You're probably right. Would it be okay for me to visit my friends in the student dorms for a while before I come home- um sorry, back to your apartment?" he cursed himself for the slip-up. Next thing he knew he would be accidentally calling Aizawa dad.  That really would be the cherry on top of a humiliating cake, wouldn't it?

Aizawa didn't react at all except for his lips twitching in a poorly concealed smile. "Sure. Just be back before it gets dark and absolutely no secret training. I'm serious Izuku, don't even try it, your body needs to rest and recover right now. If you try to train I'll be able to tell."

Well, there goes Izuku's plan on asking Shoto to spar. 

He agreed reluctantly. He didn't think it would be the end of the world if he just went for a jog...but then again he didn't feel up to facing scary Aizawa anytime soon. Darn it. He got up and followed Aizawa out of the restaurant. As they stepped back out onto the sidewalk Aizawa glanced at him out of the corner of his eye. "And tell your friend Todoroki that he and I will be having another talk soon since the first one apparently didn't sink in."

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