Secretly Watching You

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After that incident, TaeYeon saw her wife with Mr. Horvejkul, she started avoided Tiffany and she think the woman already noticed it but her jealousy still comes first for her. She's surprised whenever they we're inside the campus Tiffany started ignoring her midget wife as well and the midget couldn't take it anymore and the way she talked and laughed with that bastard Nichkhun makes TaeYeon want to punch the guy straight on his face but Tiffany seems like enjoying it with him. JUST. WHAT. THE. F*CK? Every minute, the poor pet wife counted so she could go home and talk to her because she felt like the tables had turn when she's the one whose avoiding her now.

"Hey! You still don't go home yet?" Moonbyul asked seeing her friend waiting at the school gate although TaeYeon was the one who first exited the classroom so she got surprised the popular hearthrob was still waiting.

"I'm waiting for someone." TaeYeon calmly answer while looking inside the campus hoping she could spot her wife.

*Is she waiting for Jessica?* Moonbyul thought because she knows how Jessica adores TaeYeon so much and they started getting closer and closer.

"Goodluck bro." Moonbyul patted her friend's shoulder and smirk at her knowing TaeYeon was finally making a move to someone she always thought that her classmate was heartless and cold to everyone and hates to date or go out with someone so it's a good sign that TaeYeon finally seeing someone behind her back.

"Huh?" TaeYeon murmur.

*WAIT???? DID MOONBYUL KNEW ABOUT ME AND TIFFANY????* TaeYeon's eyes widen when she misunderstood her friend's gestures.

"See you tomorrow dude!!" Moonbyul run as fast and slightly cheers her friend and gave her fist pump in the air while mouthing "Fighting". She's ultimate shipper here.

"Finally! She's gone." TaeYeon sighed but then she spotted Jessica walking alone speaking with her wife Tiffany.

"Oh? TaeYeon? You're still here?" Jessica also knows her crush was the first one who rushes to go home so she left immediately without a word.

"Ah? You're going home with Ms. Hwang?" Everything turns awkward when the secret married couple's eyes met but quickly avoided each other unbeknownst to Jessica whose still have no idea about their real relationship.

"Yes, Ms. Hwang says I could go home with her since I thought you already went home by now." Jessica honestly answer her crush so she blushes immediately and Tiffany noticed it. The girl seems happy seeing TaeYeon infront of her waiting because Jessica thought she was the one wait by her crush.

"I will go first." Tiffany smile at them and ready to leave the two until TaeYeon spoke.

"Let's go home together." TaeYeon refers to three of them so Jessica gladly nod and walk with the awkward married couple.

"So, Ms. Hwang are you dating Mr. Horvejkul?" Jessica hits the spot that the couple avoided to answer especially when TaeYeon was around.

"Of course, no. I'm not interested in dating and he's not my type." Tiffany answer quickly to clear the misunderstanding but Jessica likes to pry and stick her nose in someone else business especially when they talk about love.

*Of course, I'm your type* TaeYeon thought while smirking and staring at her wife's side profile enjoying walking together with Tiffany who purposely avoided her.

"Why are you smiling Taengoo?" Jessica noticed her crush secretly smiling to herself while blushing so TaeYeon become shy and avoid their stare.

*She's adorable and cute* Tiffany let out a small smile seeing her wife suddenly become shy.

"Don't mind me." TaeYeon said calmly.

"Well, Mr. Horvejkul is so handsome and gentleman." Jessica said dreamily but she secretly glance at TaeYeon and smile but it won't go unnoticed by Tiffany's hawk eyes.

*I'm more handsome than that bastard* TaeYeon thought murdering Nichkhun in her mind that she didn't noticed the truck passing by.

"Watch out, Taengoo!!" Jessica felt scared and in reflex she tried to grab her crush hand.

"TaeYeon!!!!" Tiffany's reflex was also on point that she held into her wife's waist and ended up that they we're both holding TaeYeon to avoid the accident.

"Ah? Thank you." TaeYeon felt awkward yet happy feeling her wife's warmth on her as Tiffany almost hugging her waist while Jessica was holding on her wrist pulling into her side so they we're in an awkward position too.

"Ah, sorry." Jessica immediately retreats her hand and shyly stare at TaeYeon's redden cheeks as well. She misunderstood the sign given by her crush because it was for Tiffany not hers.

"My house is finally here. Thank you for walking me home Ms. Hwang and TaeYeon." Jessica shyly said before she bows at them seeing her younger sister sneaking outside their house.

"HEY WHERE ARE YOU GOING YOU LITTLE B*TCH???" Jessica was strict towards Krystal when the young girl loves hanging out with her friends.

"F*CK, I WAS CAUGHT AGAIN?!!" Krystal seeing her angry older sister yelling at her, she quickly runs fast making TaeYeon and Tiffany laughing at her and continue to walk on their way home.

"Are you okay?" TaeYeon already noticed her wife was in pain looking at her heel shoes while they're walking earlier.

"My feet hurts." Tiffany bluntly said while she purposely ignoring her wife to punish her for avoiding her.

"Let me take a look." They went into the nearby bench taking Tiffany's heels, she saw the small bruise on her ankle and it was painful.

"You can wear my shoes instead." TaeYeon untied her rubber shoes since she's wearing her P.E. tracksuit. She wore it to her wife and skillfully tying the shoe lace but she didn't forgot to put the band aid on the bruise spot.

"Hey? How about you?" Tiffany asked worriedly.

"I will wear your heels instead and I will be fine." TaeYeon wears the heels that didn't match her blue P.E. tracksuit but she still insisting to wear it so Tiffany could walk.

"You will look weird wearing my heels."

"Let's go home quickly so I will not look weird from everybody." TaeYeon ignore her wife's nagging so she offer her hand to hold by Tiffany on their way home and her beloved wife happily take it intertwining their hands together.

"I always feel warm with you." TaeYeon spoke softly but her cute little smile never fades avoiding Tiffany's loving glances.

"Then, I will make you feel more warm tonight." Tiffany whisper seductively on TaeYeon's cute huge ear.


To be continued.

A/N: I know you're looking forward on their cute love story so here's a short update everyone ❤️

With Love,

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