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"So maybe I'm a masochist.
I try to run, but I don't want to ever leave"

Jordan's P.O.V.

The vision of Bailey makes my heart beat steady. He runs over sliding onto the floor and grabbing me gently. Tears pour unexpectedly from his eyes as he shakes his head back and forth. I look over to see will up against the wall with his head in his hands.

"You need to get an ambulance here now!" He speaks to no one. I figured will but he isn't moving.

"I'm so sorry I let this happen." He looks at me pressing me closer to him. "I-I love you Jordan." He starts sobbing uncontrollably. For the first time in I don't know how long I felt safe. I felt home. All energy drain from my body and barely audible I tell him I love him too. This is it. I'm going home. My eyes start drifting. Everything starts to get blurry.

"Stay with me love please stay with me." His words echo through my mind. Soon enough everything goes black.


My eyes flick open seeing the brightest white lights I feel like I've ever seen. Am I dead? I blink repeatedly hoping something will come into view. A voice sounds through the whiteness.

"Honey? Are you waking up?" I blink many times until a face is in front of me.

"Mom..?" Her smile illuminates.

This afternoon the doctors have ran numerous tests on me. My mother and father have stayed by my side for three days. That's how long I've been out. But where on earth is Bailey? He saved me. Why isn't he here? I asked my mom and dad if they've seen him and they both said no. But something in dad's demeanor tells me he's lying.

I've been constantly asked questions by police and doctors on what happened. I told them what I could remember. I don't understand how someone could do this to a person. How someone could break a person down so far that they wish they'd die. A knock on the door makes my heart jump. Standing there is Lena and Alex.

"Do you guys mind if we have a minute?" Alex asks my parents. They nod before getting up and walking out. Lena shuts the door after them.

"Where's Bailey?" I ask hoping they'd have the answer. They both refuse to look at me. I tremble waiting for a response.

"He wrote you a letter explaining everything." Lena hands it over to me I open it reading slowly and carefully.

I don't know how to say all of this. Before I do I want you to know that I never planned on any of this. Olivia ratted us out to Rodriguez. I wanted out. I wanted to protect you. You've brought so much love and happiness into my life and all I did for you was create chaos. My lifestyle isn't the lifestyle you were brought up in. I knew that from the beginning. You saved me. You made me feel things that I never knew I could feel again. I'm sorry for ruining you. Your father helped me find you. But in return I had to help him. My choices were to turn myself in or say goodbye to you. I'm writing this because I had to say goodbye. I'm leaving town and you won't have to worry about me ruining you anymore. For what it's worth, I'm out. Will and Lena will be coming with me at some point. Don't try to search I'm already gone. You needed a man and unfortunately I know that wasn't me. But from you, I learned that I can love someone. I learned that life doesn't revolve around drugs and money and killing people. I'm going to do better for me so nothing like this ever happens again. You needed better. I'm sorry I couldn't do that for you. I love you more than this letter could ever describe. You are and will always be the best thing I had. Please don't lose yourself. Follow the path you were on and do great things like we all know you can. I love you hot cakes. I wish I could help you get through this but with your fathers request I cannot. Before you think I picked leaving over jail time there's so much more than that. If I turn myself in the gang will be found and the only people I consider my family will be also at risk. I'm so sorry. Please be good and continue to follow your heart.

I love you


I look up from the letter in disbelief. My father helped with only intent to hurt him. My mind goes wild as tears fall onto the sheets. He's gone just like that. What am I going to do now? The girls grab me and loosely hug me trying not to hurt me. I'm at a loss of words.

"He also told me to give you this." Alex hands me an envelope. "He knows how much you hate it here and how you were so excited to start over we all believe that's a great idea. It's two hundred thousand dollars. He said it should be enough to start you out with a new car and house until you find a job. I'll go with you."

I look at the money in disbelief. He expected me to just take his money and be okay? I'm never going to be okay again. I handed the money to Alex. "He really is gone?" I ask. They both nod.

If you would've asked me a couple months ago where I'd be today I'd tell you I'd be with him. Living a new life. Hatred fills my veins as my parents walk back in. I stare at my father with nothing but disgust. This man who "loves" me is doing everything in his power to ruin me. The one man who always swore to keep me safe. I want Bailey. He made everything better in this fucked up family.

"How dare you? You shipped him off without even considering my feelings!" I scream. My mother looks at me with true confusion. Her eyes divert to the girls then to my father.

"I had no choice! Look what he has done! Look what he's gotten you into and the pain he caused you!" I think about his words. In a way I understood. He did it because he thought it would be best when in reality he took the one person who truly cared. I shake my head and my knuckles tighten.

"Get the fuck out." My mothers mouth hangs open with my words.

"Don't speak to your father that way." My mother speaks in a low calm tone.

"Both of you." Is the only thing I can manage to say. They both stare at me. My mother has a hurt expression and my father is just blank. She stands up and he does shortly after. He starts walking and once to the door he stops and turns towards the hospital bed. "I did this because I love you." I scoff.

"You don't." He looks at me and for the first time I see tears well in his eyes. They walk out.

After a long week in the hospital I'm finally getting discharged. The ability to walk is much harder than I expected. Besides the cuts and bruises I also leave with a broken arm. Alex is outside of the hospital waiting for me in her car. Our belongs and what little I have, packed tightly in it.

"Where are we going?" Alex asks me. I sadly look out the window staring at the hospital.

"No idea."

Authors note!

I apologize for the ending! There will be a sequel called 'In a Moment' that I will begin to write TODAY! I can't promise a published chapter. I hope you all have like the first book and I apologize for not having a happy ending! I look forward to write the next book for you guys!

Thank you for reading.

Much love❤️

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