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"Summer has come and past.
The innocent can never last."
Wake me up when September ends-  Green Day

Baileys P.O.V.

It's been a week with no signs or contact. Each day I feel like giving up more and more. The days end fast while the nights feel like centuries.

Theres nothing to trace her with. My father even called in the big guys and still nothing. I've been numbing the pain every night the only way I know how.

She must be so scared and alone. Or dead. But I'm trying to not think of that. I crush up more pills just to numb the heartache I've been consumed in.

A knock on my door makes my heart race. I open it quickly leaving the lines on the table. Once I can see who it is I'm strongly disappointed to see it's not my girl.

"Dude what the fuck?" Will screams at me. My face remains emotionless. That's the only great thing about these drugs.

I nod at him to continue talking but at the same time showing I don't care what he has to say.

"Are you just simply not going to find her? You've been drugged out of your brains for the last three days." He runs his fingers through his hair. I sigh. I don't know what him and everyone else want from me. I've tried! I've done everything I can right now.

He stares at me deeply. I can physically feel the anger steaming off of him.

"I haven't slept. Either has Lena and Alex. Olivia's gone MIA." I nod again.

"We have an idea." This catches my attention.

"What's that?"

Jordan's P.O.V.

I've never been in so much pain in my life. I'm guessing I've been here for eight days. I have no eye view of light or outside but after a long while the guys come in and hold me down while they put another tally in my arm with a knife.

I have slices all over my body but the tallies are sure tallies for something. I'm guessing days that keep slowly going by.

Large cuts start on one side of my thigh and leads to the other side. I have cuts in my stomach just above my navel. My arms though, have been given the worse of all.

The physical pain is almost as bad as the mental pain I've been put through.

I don't understand why Bailey still hasn't search for me. The guy I now know as Rodriguez said they've had people following him around, seeing if he's looking. Apparently, he isn't.

Was I really that naive?

They finally let me out of the chair I'm guessing a couple days ago. My arms are raw from the tape and I still can't feel my legs. My clothes are soiled and I haven't even been given water to clean myself with.

When I was younger I remember how happy I was. I had no worries. I was completely care free. As much as my parents hurt me and how judgmental they all are, they really did do there best to give me a damn good childhood.

I always had what I needed and most of the time I got what I wanted. Yeah my dad makes great money but they could've said no. Even though I had everything I still went and had gotten  jobs. I hated never being able to get anything without asking for money.

The heartache in my chest was the worst pain yet. Bailey really doesn't care? Why would he just let them take me? It makes no sense to me. I lost everything. He told me he wanted a new life but maybe this was all part of his plan. Tell me that to get me back then have them come take me so he didn't have to follow through. I'm going to die here.

I came to that conclusion that no one really simply cares. He doesn't. My parents don't care that I left. Neither does my brother. My friends are probably the only ones searching for me.

Why me?

I can't believe this.

"Well well well." A loud voice echoes through the room I'm trapped in. I look up quickly barely able to see through the tears. Rodriguez stands in front of me. I clench my eyes shut trying my best to not look at him any longer.

"Baby girl? You aren't happy to see me?" I don't reply.

"Maybe that nice hot bath up stairs should go to waste then."

A bath? Like in a bathroom with actually water? It seems to me that I can't remember the last time I had one.

My heart pounds as I hear the lock in the door unlock. "Wait!" He quickly turns around. That devilish smirk plastered on his face.

He slowly walks over to me. Ever so swiftly he places a knife on my neck. Instantly I clench my eyes.

"You want that bath don't you?" I nod lightly feeling the blade scratch my skin. "No funny business then. You're to take a bath and mind your business. Don't try to go off. No screaming when I let you out of here. I will kill you Jordan." I gulp.

He releases the knife from my neck and allows me to stand. Still, I fall right back to the ground from the lack of strength. He "helps" by grabbing a chunk of my hair, yanking me off the ground.

For the first time in days I leave this dark quiet room. The smell of anything other than that room is all I need right now.

When we get to the top of the stairs he unlocks another door. Light blinds me when it's opened revealing a normal living room. Completely normal. A couch, chair, coffee  table, all the normal living room furniture. Family pictures hung randomly in spots on the wall giving it definitely a more homey feeling.

I look closely at one straight across from the door to the stairs. Rodriguez stands in the frame smiling largely next to a woman with two little girls in front of them. He has a family? How can you have a family in this business?

More stairs are presented to me. My legs have no energy to be picked up. I still try my best knowing there's a nice hot bath prepared for me.

Maybe I will get out. Maybe someone will find me.

We finally make it up the stairs after what feels like ages. The long hallway has multiple doors on both sides. The first door we pass is open showing off a well decorated fairy themed room. The second doors opened also inside is brightly painted blue walls with a grey carpet. Must be the older girls room. A laptop is displayed on the desk on the far wall. That's the key.

The third doors shut but his hand reaches for the knob. Steam piles out as he opens the door. My heart starts dancing at the sound of water running.

"Half hour tops." He pushes me in shutting the door behind me.

Quickly I undress and climb into the water. Instant shock from the heat hit my body making every open wound burn.

Once my fragile body is emerge into the water I start thinking of a plan. I need to get to that computer without being seen or them knowing anything. I need to get a hold of Bailey.

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