5.8K 107 35

"It's 5:3666 in the morning, wide awake still not even yawning."
5:3666- MGK

Bailey's P.O.V.

Here I stand in the last place I'd want to be right now. The large door in front of me torments me. I have to knock.

I knock twice. Within seconds the door swings open. Her mother stands there and heat quickly rises to her cheeks.

"Bailey? What on gods name are you doing here?" Her voice barely above a whisper.

"We need to talk. Is Mr. Jacobs home?" She nods.

"Is everything alright? Where's Jordan?" Her face flushes when she sees my eyes start to water.

"That's what we have to talk about."

I follow her inside and quickly follow up the stairs. She knocks three time on a wood door. Her hands tremble as different scenarios are guaranteed popping into her head.

This is why they didn't want me around Jordan. They knew what was best for her and now I'm going to have to come clean. About everything. My status with the gang. Rodriguez. Hopefully they'll help instead of shipping me off to prison.

The door opens and Mr. Jacobs stands in the door way. He looks at me his face instantly red. The anger radiates off him.

"What the fu-"

"Enough! He has something important he has to talk to us about! Just shut up and listen to him!" She screams at him. The veins stick out of her neck and she tries to catch her breath afterwards. I'm guessing she doesn't use this tone often because he instantly cowards behind his desk and sits in the chair. We sit across from him. My heart pounds not knowing how to start.

His eyes pierce into mine and quickly I realize where Jordan gets them from. I stare a moment longer taking in the sight of them. Grounding me back to where I need to be.

"I don't know how to say this. One of two things is going to happen. Either you guys will help me or I'm getting shipped off but I don't care anymore. I have one thing on my mind and that's your daughter." He stiffens up. "I lied. To you guys and to her at first. Now please just hear me out because I have important info that I need help with. I'm in a gang. But I've been trying to get out because of how much I love your daughter. I want a future with her. I don't want to be in this anymore and I need help. He took her. She's been missing for a week now and we've had every possible guy out there looking. But we can't find her. This guy is a terrible guy. He.. he killed my mother. I cannot let him do the same to her. I love her. That's why I wanted to quit. We had a plan to leave and he took her the morning we were supposed to." Tears and sobs escape from the both of them. My heart breaks a little more knowing this is exactly what they didn't want to happen.

Mr. Jacobs lifts his head. My fist tighten as I'm ready for the screams. "I will help you." My face lightens and I stare, mouth open with the simple response.

"I want to get out sir. More than anything. I promise you that. I will do whatever it takes to get her back. Then I want to be done." He shakes his head.

"Bailey, you will do one of two things after we get our baby girl back. One, you will turn yourself in or two, you will leave here and never see my daughter again." Tears pour out of my eyes as I look with disbelief. I start shaking my head.

"Sir.. I cant just leave. Not without her."

"Then unfortunately I have no other choice but to turn you in myself." Mrs. Jacobs stands up and slams her hand in his desk.

"Are you fucking kidding me? He came to us! Out of everyone! He came to us knowing you'd help him! Trusting you to do no such thing! Obviously he loves her Mark! She's going to hate us even more when she finds out and I'm not losing my girl again!" Her face turns red again from anger and I can't help but smile. I do love her. More than ever. I'm glad that she can see and understand that.

I look between the both of them as he cowards in his chair, not once looking into her eyes. The tensions so heavy I start having trouble breathing. Quickly I regain my control and place my hand on top of her. Her head whips faster than ever to meet my eyes.

Her eyes beg me to make things right. To make mr. Jacobs understand. How can I possibly do that when he has every right to be mad at me. To hate me for that matter.

"I love your daughter more than ever. I want to be a better person because of her and that's why I planned on leaving. I can't just walk away from her."

He looks between me and his wife. Concerned etched in the wrinkles in his forehead wondering what to say next. Contemplating everything.

Mrs. Jacobs stares at him now with watery eyes. She stands up pushing my hand away from hers. "Make the right decision Mark. For once in your life think about your god damn family." She straightens out her clothes before turning and retreating back down stairs.

I stand up shortly after. The threat of being alone with him rises.

"We start tomorrow morning. Meet me at the coffee shop on fifth. Seven sharp. I need you to go collect as much about Rodriguez as you can. Have everyone on your team help. I don't want names. For now I'm protecting you for my daughters sake. I will get her back. Think about my offers. Please close the door on your way."

Once I'm out of the house I retreat to my place. Everyone in the group meets me there shortly after.

We go through steps and information on Rodriguez group. Hours go by and my brain starts to get foggy. My eyes flutter as I try to force them open.

"Want a bump?" Will asks.

I shouldn't. I need to find her and I know that will wake me. But I shouldn't do that. I want to get better. Clean. I want to be normal and be the man Jordan needs me to be.

"Sure." I reply before I can stop myself. He gets the tray out and starts cutting the lines. I second guess myself before I pick up the bill.

"Guys we need to focus. He was there yesterday. We have the proof. Maybe a clue connects to that place. Think about it."

"That's his home. Obviously something there may give us a clue but I don't think he's dumb enough to bring her there." I frown at him.

"I beg to differ." I stare at the house on the screen. Even if she's not there we could always go and make sure. Mr. Jacobs wants to know information I'm going to give him every ounce of information. We can't just waltz into Rodriguez's house and except he's going to willing let us without bloodshed.

Once the notes are done it's five A.M. and I know if I go to sleep now I won't meet mr. Jacobs at seven. With no hesitation I take another line.

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