All-Star Apologies: Part 2

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Leon was murdered by Sayaka...

And then Sayaka was executed for her crime...

After a misunderstanding, Hina murdered Toko...

And then she was executed too...

Hifumi killed Sakura...

Before being killed by Yasuhiro...

and then, he himself, was unfairly executed for being in the wrong place at the wrong time...

Even though some of these people, who Chihiro considered to be his friends, had done terrible things to the others, none of them could really be called guilty. The victims AND the killers of each case could all be considered victims...Victims of this killing game...

It felt like this trauma had gone on for a almost a few years now, but in reality, it had only been around a week. So much had happened that Chihiro had lost track of time...

At the start, Chihiro had made new friends, but over the course of this unbelievably short time, he had already lost about half of them. 15 students had entered this killing game...There remained only 8...

Mondo, Taka, Makoto, Kyoko, Junko, Byakuya, Taeko...and himself...

Chihiro wanted to believe now was the time that it would stop, but he wasn't about to kid himself. Tensions as things stood were now higher than ever before, thanks to the actions of Taeko Yasuhiro. It had gotten to the point where he was skeptical of almost everyone, and he didn't want to think like that...

Which, is what led to the situation where he was now...

Chihiro had arrived fairly early at the dining hall that morning. Upon arriving, he expected the usual crowd to be there, but he was left rather surprised. When coming to breakfast, Chihiro walked in on the following people...Mondo, Junko, Kyoko...and Byakuya.

"O-Oh..." Chihiro said as he noticed the Ultimate Affluent Progeny sitting at his old, separate, table.

Byakuya nodded to signify that he'd heard Chihiro, but didn't want to greet him with a response.

"Why...why are you here...?" the programmer asked. Byakuya sighed and forced himself to respond.

"That gambler girl has decided it would be a wise strategy to stay away from the group," Byakuya said "I have no idea where she intends to go or what she intends to do. Being around everyone is a strategy I've decided to implement, at least for now, to make sure she doesn't kill me..."

I guess that means he's not going to talk to us... Chihiro thought. Instead, he turned to the other three.

"So, I'm guessing Taeko's not coming..." Chihiro felt slightly relieved honestly "but what about Makoto and Taka?"

"Well, Makoto's usually the last guy to arrive, so we should prolly wait for him," Mondo said "and Taka said he'd be here as soon as he recovered."

"Ah, speak of the devil..." Kyoko said suddenly. As she did, everyone turned to the entrance to the dining hall, and the Ultimate Moral Compass waddled in, slightly less uptight as he usually was, though that may have been due to his injury.

"Good morning everyone!" he smiled.

"Hmph..." Byakuya smirked "I guess you're up now. Good to see you're not dead."

"Good to see you too, Byakuya..." Taka replied sourly at Byakuya's sloppy attempt of showing concern "I can't wait to hear all your biting remarks again..."

"Was that sarcasm? Oh, how you've changed," Byakuya smiled wryly "I'm glad to know I entertain at least..."

"Morning Taka," Chihiro smiled back "how's your head?"

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