Welcome to Despair: Part 6 [END]

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"Man, I'm gettin' irritated just by being here..." Mondo growled as they entered the gym hallway "this place reminds me of juvie...Nah, actually, I think this is worse..."

"Juvie...?" Chihiro repeated "y-you mean you've been to prison before...?"

"Yeah, once..." Mondo frowned "don't remember what for...don't really care..."

"Where is everyone?" Sayaka asked "walking through the halls just now, I didn't see anyone else..."

"This is bad...like, for reals it's bad...!" Junko was clearly beginning to panic.

"C-Calm yourself!" Taka exclaimed, panicking a little bit himself "I am sure it is just as Hiro said; once this is all over, those iron plates on the windows will come down and that iron door will open!"

"Be that as it may, we must stand strong," Sakura said "to catch a lion cub, you must first brave it's den..."

"I-I ain't scared!" Mondo snapped "c'mon nerd, let's go in!"

"H-Hey! Wait a second...!" Chihiro exclaimed as Mondo grabbed her wrist and pulled her into the gym. 

"Hey!" Mondo boomed when they burst through the doors "who's the fucker that called for us!?"

"Hold up a second Mondo Owada!" Taka boomed, marching quickly after him and Chihiro "do not open doors so violently! And no shouting in the halls!" As Taka came in, he was followed by Sakura and Hifumi, the latter of whom was trembling with fear, begging not to be left alone. Shortly after him came the last three. Sayaka, Junko and Kyoko.

"So...is this meant to be the entrance ceremony?" Makoto asked.

"Totally!" Hiro enthused "I mean look, this is all pretty normal, right?" However, no sooner had these words left his mouth, everyone bore witness to an extremely ABNORMAL scene. 

"Hey there, howdy, hello! Is everyone here? Good! Then let's get started!" the same high pitched voice

And then...

"H-Huh?" was the only noise that Chihiro could make at the sight of the strange creature. "Is that...A teddy bear?"

"I'm not a teddy bear," it responded "what, you think I'm some high-tech, build-a-bear reject? No, no, it's much more complicated than that. For you see...I am Monokuma! I am the headmaster of this here academy! YOUR headmaster that is!"

Never in her life had Chihiro ever seen something so strange and weird and just downright mind-boggling. The bear's voice was so lighthearted, and it's movements were so whimsical that it was as if it had come from a whole other world. The sight of it turned the previous feeling of discomfort into complete and utter terror. The complete confused air that surrounded everyone at that time was cut in two when Hifumi let out a terrified scream.

"NGEEEHH!! The teddy bear! It speaks! IT SPEAKS!" he screeched.

"Relax comrade!" Kiyotaka exclaimed "I-I'm sure it's just the work of a speaker!"

"Weren't you listening, Fatso!?" The monochromed bear snapped "I'm not a damn teddy bear! I'm Monokuma! And I'm your headmaster!"

"NGEEEHH!! The teddy bear! It moves! IT MOVES!" Hifumi screamed again. Monokuma facepalmed

"I'm not-! Oh I give up...!" he growled.

"Sweet Jesus dude, cool the hell down!" Mondo shook Hifumi back to reality "he's probably just got a remote control or something!"

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