Welcome to Despair: Part 3

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The hallways of the building creeped the young programmer out just as much as the classroom did. With shaking legs, they walked through the ever changing in color hallways. However, as soon as they arrived at the entrance hall, they say that the entire entrance hall had apparently been remodeled, as it now looked like some military base. Not only that, but their suspicions were confirmed. She was not alone. She walked in on 5 people in the small room. Three boys and two girls. As soon as she entered, all their heads turned to her. There was a moment of heavy, awkward silence as they all stared at her. Chihiro could do nothing more than sweat and gulp nervously. The first to make a move was one of the boys, one with short, spiky black hair, large and long matching eyebrows, and intense red eyes. He strictly marched up to her with his large eyebrows furrowed. Chihiro whimpered and curled up slightly, worried she was going to be punched, but the boy simply stood almost completely upright and crossed his arms.

"Greetings there," he said "are you perhaps another one of the new students here too!?" Chihiro squeaked, not because the boy's tone was threatening, but that he was very loud. Realizing he'd scared her, he awkwardly bowed in apology. "I...I am sorry..." he sighed "I did not mean to startle you..."

"Maybe try quietin' down a bit?" one of the other boy said. This one had tanned skin and a tall, muscular build which gave him a bulky figure. 

"N-No, it's ok!" Chihiro enthused "I-I wasn't startled by his voice, I was j-just surprised to see more people here..." This wasn't entirely true of course, but Chihiro didn't want to offend the black haired boy or get him into trouble. "But...you said I was "another" one of the new students...does that mean you're...?"

"Yes, it would appear that we are classmates!" the red eyed boy boomed "we are all new students at Hope's Peak Academy starting today. Although I kind of thought there would be more of us here..."

"The rest of them just haven't shown up yet..." said one of the girls, one with a curvaceous build,  brown skin, blue eyes, and had her brown hair in a very high curled ponytail "I'm sure they'll be here soon..."

"Hmph! Tardiness on Day 1! How disgraceful!" The boy scoffed. The other girl in the room rolled her eyes. She had a tall, hourglass figure, light blue eyes, and long, thick, bleached strawberry blonde hair tied in two twin pigtails.

"Dude, like, chill..." she sighed "it's only been like, what, a few minutes?" she pointed out. The boy sighed.

"My apologies. I failed to take into account that all of us may have been rudely awakened from an inconvinient slumber..."

"Y-You mean...You guys also...?" Chihiro began to ask, but was never able to finish, as more people entered the room. She buttoned up anxiously, and decided to wait until a couple more people arrived at the scene. Eventually, they were joined by more students, until there were about 14 of them altogether. There had been a lot of nattering amongst the group and they all discussed what the plan of action was going to be, until suddenly, one last person, a boy with brunette messy hair, entered the door, with everyone turning to look at them, like they had done with Chihiro herself before.

"Sorry I'm late..." he rubbed the back of his head in slight embarrassment "I...must have dozed off..."

"Whoa? You too?" asked one of the boys who had come in after Chihiro.

"Hm...that is rather odd..." a slender girl in dark clothes pointed out. This was then followed up by a chubby individual with a high pitched voice.

"Indeed, Indeed, I declare it a state of abnormality..."

"Sorry, wait a second..." said the latecomer "I'm having a hard time getting my bearings here...what's going on?"

"Hold it!" the boy with black hair and red eyes boomed "that can wait! How could you allow yourself to show up so late!? What is your name!?

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