To Survive: Part 7

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 "What I want from all of you

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 "What I want from all of you...Is Despair...Nothing more, nothing less...

Any more than that, you're gonna have to find out on your own," The monochrome menace said, breaking from his usual cartoonish tone of voice "if you want to try to uncover the mysteries surrounding this here academy, then I won't try to stop you. After all, watching you guys scramble about looking for the truth behind everything ought to be real entertaining for me! Bears just wanna have fun!"

With that, Monokuma vanished just as suddenly as he'd appeared.

"And yet again..." Sayaka sighed "he appears and vanished without telling us anything..."

"Are you sure?" Kyoko asked "I'd say we learned something useful. He said that we're free to look for the truth and he won't try to stop us...I wonder...?"

"Getting back to the point, I find these supposed videos of the outside world a cause for concern," Sakura spoke up "in the very least, one of us should go and confirm what Monokuma said..."

"Alright then...uh..." Mondo got to his feet, and his gaze seemed to wander around the cafeteria, until it stopped and finally pointed at the person next to him "Yo, Makoto, go check 'em out for us, will ya?"

"H-Huh? Why me?" Makoto stammered. Mondo shrugged.

"Dunno, cause you're closest to the door?" he asked "look, all I'm doing is askin' you a favor! Just go check 'em out already! I'm gettin' antsy here!"

"Alright, alright!" Makoto exclaimed "just don't punch me across the room again..."

"Thanks man, I owe you one..." Mondo gave him a thumbs up.

"Um, if nobody minds..." Sayaka got to her feet "I think I'll go with him. It'll be dangerous to go alone after all..."

"Alright, then we'll be counting on you two...If anything bad happens, just call and we'll all come running..." Chihiro told them, and with that, they both left the dining hall.

"That reminds me..." Junko said once the two of them were out of earshot "you still haven't apologized for that..."

"For what?" Hifumi asked.

"I'm talking to Mondo," Junko explained "and for punching Makoto's lights out..."

"In my defense, I thought he could take it..." Mondo sighed "sorry, I don't know my own strength sometimes..."

Shortly after the two of them had left, everyone else finished breakfast and left the cafeteria. However, they all decided to loiter around for when either Makoto or Sayaka returned to report their findings.

"I gotta say...for someone who seems kinda meek and geeky, Makoto sure moves fast..." Junko said, seemingly to herself, but within earshot of both Chihiro and Hina.

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