Boys Life of Despair: Part 17 [Class Trial]

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As he did before, Monokuma introduced the trial to the surviving students the same way he did previously.

"Let's begin with a basic explanation of the class trial! So, your votes will determine the results! If you can figure out "whodunnit" then only they will receive punishment. But if you pick the wrong one...I'll punish everyone BESIDES the blackened, and the one who deceived everyone else will graduate!"

"Where do we even start with this one?" Taka asked, his eyes instinctively directed towards the vandalized portrait of Toko between Hifumi and the portrait of Leon "I can't imagine why anyone would have it out for Toko in particular..."

"I mean, yeah, I can't say any of us really LIKE liked her, but I don't think any of us really wanted her dead, right?" Hina asked.

"There is always the possibility Toko was the unlucky one, when faced with a killers unbridled animosity stemmed from the motive," Byakuya pointed out "let us proceed with that in mind, shall we?"

"If we're going to start, then can I offer the first topic?" Makoto asked "the Monokuma File doesn't say what the murder weapon is, so..."

"Yes, we should discuss that first." Kyoko affirmed.

First, we have to make clear what was used to deliver the fatal blow... Chihiro thought.

[Non-Stop Debate]

🔫Genocide Jack Case File

🔫Large Dumbbell

🔫Very Sharp Scissors

Sakura: Toko's fatal injury...

Sakura: It appears it was a cut to the throat.

Kiyotaka: According to the Monokuma File, the killer used a "sharp weapon" but...

Kiyotaka: What kind of ⌖sharp weapon could it have been? ⌖

Yasuhiro: I'll bet ⌖it was one of the knives in the kitchen! ⌖

Yasuhiro: Like the one Sayaka used to kill Leon with!

Makoto: ...

Kiyotaka: That certainly would make for an effective weapon.

Aoi: Toko...

No, the weapon used to kill Toko was at the scene of the crime. It must have been!

Sakura: Toko's fatal injury...

Sakura: It appears it was a cut to the throat.

Kiyotaka: According to the Monokuma File, the killer used a "sharp weapon" but...

Kiyotaka: What kind of ⌖sharp weapon could it have been? ⌖

Yasuhiro: I'll bet ⌖it was one of the knives in the kitchen! ⌖

Yasuhiro: I'll bet ⌖it was one of the knives in the kitchen! ⌖

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