Pain of a Junk Food Junkie: Part 7

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-Free Time-

"God dammit..." Mondo sighed "I'm so God Damn Bored...I'll probably die of boredom before anything or anyone else actually kills me."

"Hey!" Taka snapped "we aren't killing each other anymore! Remember? We agreed to a ceasefire."

"I know dude, but I'm just sayin'" Mondo said "but livin' life on the streets is way more satisfying than this."

"True..." Taka considered "it didn't even occur to me just how much control I had over my life until we got stuck here..."

"I'd rather be living out on the streets again than be stuck in this situation," Mukuro said "so yes, I can understand your struggles."

"Wait...again?" Mondo noticed "what do you mean? You done it before?"

"Yes." Mukuro replied bluntly "for many years of my childhood I was living on the streets. It's a long story." 

"And now you're a soldier!?" Taka seemed amazed.

"That's..." Mukuro paused "a long story."

"You seem to have a lot of long stories..." The Moral Compass observed "but I...guess I can understand that. I mean, you're probably in more danger here than there..."

"You kiddin' me!?" Mondo asked "I ain't homeless or nothin' but I've spent most of my life on the streets in a different kinda way."

"He's right," Mukuro said "you never quite know when a pack of wild animals might show up..."

"Uh...I weren't really talkin' about animals..." Mondo scratched his head.

"Neither was I," Mukuro explained "I was referring to people who attack the weak, and who want to hurt you. Take it from someone with experience, the world is full of people like that...And in a way, I'm one of them..."

"Oh, come on, not this song again..." Taka said "to be honest, I admire you Mukuro. I think having to live like that made you stronger."

"I suppose you're right..." she considered for a second "I did always like military things as a child. I suppose that fueled my dream of wanting to be a soldier one day. But when it finally came true I..."

"It weren't what you expected?" Mondo asked.

"I said this to Chihiro a short while back," Mukuro said "everyone always talks about having a dream, and chasing their dream to make it a reality. Don't you think that's a little bit vague?"

"Vague?" Taka asked "why do you think that?"

"Dreams change as we grow older," Mukuro explained "but that never happened for me. I've had one dream since I was a child and pursued it. You'd think that I would be more satisfied, but I'm not. And that's not really because it wasn't what I was expecting. In fact, rather the opposite."

"That it WAS what you were expecting and you got bored of it?" Mondo asked.

"No, I wouldn't put it like that," Mukuro said "I'm saying that my dreams never changed or grew...and because of that, my opportunities in life didn't grow either. The more dreams you have, the more you can pursue, and the bigger your possibilities in life are. And up until now, I never did that. I never let my dreams grow...All I saw was that one dream. I put everything I had into that one narrow little world...I feel like there's so much more I could be doing that I'm not, and I don't like that feeling..."

"Then...why not reprimand it while you still can?" Taka asked.

"Huh?" Mukuro's eyes widened in confusion.

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