To Survive: Part 12 [Deadly Life]

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After leaving Makoto's room, Chihiro remembered something Mondo had mentioned earlier. She wondered about the possibility that the culprit had disposed of evidence in the trash room, so she made her way over there. Along the way however, she ran into quite a peculiar trio of people. Byakuya Togami, Hifumi Yamada and Sayaka Maizono. The latter of who still looked rather worried and depressed, but had clearly regained her composure since Makoto had been injured.

"Hey..." she said "what's going on here?"

"I take it you were on your way to investigate the trash room?" Byakuya asked "smart move. Do not worry, we already investigated there..."

"And?" Chihiro asked "what did you find?"

"Nothing," he said "I figured as much though..."

"Why?" Chihiro asked "how did you know that the trash room hadn't been used?" 

"Simple," Byakuya smirked "tell them Hifumi..."

"Uh...very well..." Hifumi fiddled with his glasses "Monokuma requested it of me previously, but I have been assigned the role of janitor. He said if we didn't have anyone on duty, then the school would eventually be filled with garbage. Ergo, I volunteered!"

"Probably because you leave behind the most garbage, right?" Sayaka teased. Hifumi pouted.

"Maybe so, but mainly because of my scrapped work..." he assured her.

"The point," Byakuya explained "is because Hifumi is the janitor, he is the only one of us who can access the place where the incinerator is. However, it seems that because of that, the killer was unable to turn the incinerator on, because they couldn't get past the shutters blocking them from it..."

"I also tested the incinerator with a scrap piece of paper," Sayaka explained "it still works, but it hasn't been used since the last time Hifumi shut it..."

"I see...Thanks for telling me this..." Chihiro thanked them. If they were telling the truth, which they probably were, since it was hard to believe that the three of them were co-conspiring, then that saved Chihiro a lot of time.

/̵͇̿̿/'̿̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿ ̿The Janitor added to Truth Bullets /̵͇̿̿/'̿̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿ ̿

/̵͇̿̿/'̿̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿ ̿Incinerator Test added to Truth Bullets /̵͇̿̿/'̿̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿ ̿

"But that's need a key to enter the trash room? And only the janitor has that key..." Chihiro asked "why do that instead of making it easier by leaving it open and allowing everyone to dispose of their trash so easily?"

"The answer to that is easy..." Sayaka answered "remember what situation we're in...if the trash room was open to everyone..."

"It would make it terribly easy to dispose of evidence," Byakuya cut her off and finished "Monokuma is doing it for the sake of keeping things interesting..."

"K-Keeping things interesting...!?"

"I-I assure you, the only reason I signed up for the role of janitor was to do a job that no one else wanted!" Hifumi exclaimed "I would never dream of using it to dispose of evidence!?"

"Then, do you think Makoto is the killer?" Chihiro asked. Hifumi paused before answering the question.

"To be honest...I don't know what to think..." he said "all the evidence points towards him, so I'm leaning towards yes but...Mr Naegi seems like he's less likely to have killing intent than someone like even me..."

"He's not the killer, he can't be..." Sayaka trembled "but even I'm beginning to see no other way out..."

"Why don't you just go sit in the dining hall if you're going to mope?" Byakuya asked "Fujisaki? Take Maizono to the dining hall..."

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