Boys Life of Despair: Part 5

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"Hey..." Hiro was the first to speak up after the "show" that everyone had just witnessed " he serious?"

"Without a doubt..." Celeste replied bluntly.

"Like hell he's gonna get away with all this shit...!" Mondo growled.

"But..." Toko suddenly spoke up for the first time that day "m-maybe he IS right...?"

"Tch...of course YOU would agree with him..." Junko sighed.

"What!?" Toko snapped "how can any of you say for sure that someone's not going to stab you in the back? I-It already h-happened once! I-I already know that n-n-no one's gonna be w-w-worse off if I die...I-In fact some of you probably want me gone, don't you! I d-disgust you...!"

"Nobody thinks that..." Makoto sighed.

"Um...I might..." Junko admitted "I mean the whole part about her disgusting me...Still, it's not enough to make me want to kill her..."

"Come on Junko, Toko, what's gotten into you two?" Hina asked.

"Hina, cool it, you know just as well as we do that Toko doesn't have your average persecution complex..." Hiro told her, saying something realistic for once.

"I-I-I get it...y-you want me gone, don't you...!?" Toko asked, stuttering with frustration "y-you're all thinking the same thing!!!" She screamed this and then stormed out of the library.

"Wait! Toko, we-" Makoto called after her, but Junko stopped him by putting her hand on his shoulder.

"Let her go...You should know by now that we can't stop her when she's like that..." Junko sighed. Makoto gave up and returned to the silence.

In the end, the morning assembly never happened. After the whole ordeal, everyone just poured out of the library, many returning to their room. The only people who remained behind were Chihiro and Kyoko. 

"If you're not just going to sit there crying, would you mind helping me with something?" Kyoko asked her. 

Honestly, Chihiro was a little bit annoyed that Kyoko wasn't even making an attempt to comfort her, but then again, considering the type of person that Kyoko was, that was understandable. Chihiro, still with a heavy heart, got to her feet, wiped her eyes and turned to look at her. 

"I need the expertise of the Ultimate Programmer," Kyoko explained, reaching underneath a certain desk in the corner of the room "during our investigation of the second floor yesterday, I found this..."

As she unveiled what it was that she was hiding, Chihiro instinctively let out a small gasp. It was a laptop computer, a relatively old model at that was covered in dust at that.

"It's plugged in," Kyoko explained "but I can't get it to turn on..."

"'s broken?" Chihiro asked. Any hope of getting on the internet and searching for information was out of the question then. Then again, if Monokuma could put up iron plates on all the windows and install a heavy duty door in front of the entrance, and even make a trap as horrifying as the execution that killed Sayaka, cutting of the internet would be as easy as making bread, maybe even easier.

"Do you think you could?"


"Do you think you could get it working?"

"Um..." Chihiro thought for a moment "I can certainly try to...but if you don't mind, I'd prefer to do it in privacy..." This made Kyoko shoot Chihiro a suspicious look.

"Why?" she asked.

"U-Um...well..." Chihiro stammered "to be honest, I wanted to do it away from where Monokuma might be able to see or hear me...but now that I think about it, he has camera's everywhere, even in here and in my room...So there's no way I'd be able to search for info while he's w-watching me like a hawk..."

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