Ultimate Despair: Part 21 [Class Trial]

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"Of course, we have every intention of doing just that," Chihiro declared "we'll solve every last one of your mysteries, and take you down with them!"

"Puhuhu! Alright then! I'm looking forward to it~!" Junko's face was still covered by the Monokuma, but Chihiro could tell she was smirking.

"Alright, let's cut the shit!" Mondo pointed "what memories did you steal from us!?"

"Given that there were photos of the class, and the interview videos," Taka thought "I've got it! You stole memories of our Hope's Peak Entrance Exam!"

Junko didn't speak, and the courtroom became so quiet that crickets may as well have been chirping in the background.

"Come on you bitch! Give us a hint at least!" Mondo boomed.

"I know that your hair looks like a sponge, but I didn't expect your brain to be made of it!" Junko exclaimed "I already gave you a hint you dolt! The memories I stole have to do with a certain something..."

Thinking about it now, Monokuma did mention that the memories that were taken had to do with a certain something...

1 – Monokuma's Motives.🔫
2 – The Class Trial.
3 – The Founding of Hope's Peak.

"The movies and incentives you gave to spark the killing have some connections to our memories," Chihiro recalled "is that not what you said earlier?"

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"The movies and incentives you gave to spark the killing have some connections to our memories," Chihiro recalled "is that not what you said earlier?"

"So you do remember?" Junko stuck another pose "well, I doubt YOU'D forget something that important Chihiro. It was a dumb question, and I extend to you my humblest apologies..."

"Keep them..." Chihiro spat.

"Now if you would allow me to ask another question...Were you aware there was a specific theme to each of the incentives I gave?"

"There was a theme?" Mukuro asked "I didn't know that..."

"I never told you," Junko said "but it's your fault for failing to notice it yourself...And thus I would like to extend these themes as per a quiz question to you all. Let's go one by one. Chihiro, you go first."

"Why me?" Chihiro frowned.

"Because I trust you to remember this...given how badly it affected you..." Junko stated bluntly "what was the theme for the first incentive I provided? The one right before Leon Kuwata's murder?"

Leon... Chihiro thought.

1 – International Relations.
2 – Interpersonal Relations.🔫
3 – Love Triangles.

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