Ultimate Despair: Part 3

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What...? was the first thing that crossed Kyoko's mind upon seeing the image on the screen.

? was the first thing that crossed Kyoko's mind upon seeing the image on the screen

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The man in the image appeared to be in his late 30's.  He had dark purple hair, with his eyes being covered by a blindfold. He was wearing a dirty white shirt, and he was screaming in agony.

[HEY!] he shrieked [Help me! PLEAASE!]

"Th-This is..." Kyoko covered her mouth.

[Whatever it is you want, I don't know anything!] he cried [you're listening, aren't you? PLEASE! HELP ME!]

"Dude!" Mondo cried instinctively "what's goin' on? C-Can you hear us!?"

[Please! Say something!] the man yelled [whatever it is you want, I don't have it! Just let me go! I won't tell anyone, I swear!]

"The hell?" Mondo's face went blue "he can't hear us?"

"This seems to be a prerecording..." Kyoko said "if the date is to be believed, this happened before the Killing Game officially got started...Ah...!"

This gasp at the end of her sentence was a reaction to something suddenly appearing on screen. A large, iron maiden machine was suddenly dropped down behind him, modelled to include Monokuma's head on top.

[What was that!?] the man in the recording panicked even more [What is this!? Why!? Why is all of this necessary! This school was supposed to be safe! I didn't want any of this! I JUST WANTED TO PROTECT THOSE KIDS!]

"Protect? Those kids?" Mondo parroted "who the fuck IS this guy!?"

[We have no qualms! All of these children are innocent! There's no way they'd be any sort of...danger...] the man cried again, however, when he reached the closing of his cries, he trailed off, and even though he was wearing the blindfold, his face showed visible horror upon making a realization. [D-Don't tell me...! It's because...one of those kids...is really...!]

"One of those kids?" Kyoko repeated.

"Wait...you don't think he's talkin' about...us...do you?" Mondo asked

[You...! YOU!] the man seemed less terrified, and now insanely angry [HOW DARE YOU BETRAY MEEE! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOOOUU! I'll destroy all of you Ultimate Despairs! I'LL CURSE YOUR NAME FROM HEEEEEEEELL!!!]

However, this scream was in vain...as what was then showed...was the all too familiar punishment process.

The execution began with a spotlight shining over the freaky, Monochrome bear, who was sitting on the floor with a "Punishment Button". Across from him, was the man who had been screaming,  tied to a chair with his eyes blindfolded and his hands tied behind his back. The bear watches as he struggles, until he suddenly pushes the "Punishment Button".

The man is then locked inside a rocket shaped like an iron maiden with the bears face and launched into a grotesque, cartoonish version of space (drilling through several floors of the building along the way).

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