Chapter 14

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Chapter 14- Love Quarrels And Reveals

"Thank you (Y/N), we wish to hear more about your evidence and stay, be safe," You hummed at Kora's words as he hung up and you setting your phone down

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"Thank you (Y/N), we wish to hear more about your evidence and stay, be safe," You hummed at Kora's words as he hung up and you setting your phone down. You had a lead on Tem's murder, and you have evidence of behavior, and daily schedule. You just need to wait for further notice from your chief.

"Paying respect for him?" You jumped and turn to see Louis, holding flowers.
"Yeah... I feel like he shouldn't be forgotten like this, where no one uses this hall anymore," You said to him, turning back to look at the scene.
"My thoughts exactly. Here," Louis gave you the flowers and motioned you to lay them down. You did as you were told and sighed.

"So, are you okay from the blackout the other day?" He asked you.
"Mhm, I couldn't see nothing, so dark for me." You muttered as you stood up.
"(Y/N), can I tell you something?" Louis asked.
"Uhh, sure," You shoved your hands into your pockets.
"You shouldn't worry about me telling others about your past." He started.
"I didn't," You spat out.

"Either way, I won't say a word. Because you and I aren't so different," He said, making you look at him.
"We worked our way to the top, to try and protect others to make sure this place is safe. Not getting close to people to prevent blockage," He said as he stared into the walls of the auditorium.
"Wrong, I know how you are with Haru," He froze as you just blankly stared at the ground.

"It wasn't hard to know. Haru always spends her time in the garden, and you being there in the shack, it was where she goes and put herself like that. A disgrace to you and your image and her selling her body like that. You may go off and marry someone else, yet you hold her like she's a side platter you'll eat later." You sternly said as you stood up.

"Like I said before, don't treat me like I'm dumb, because I'm not," You said glaring at him. He said nothing as he stood up with you and nodded.
"Alright, let's go now. You're really something," He said, showing a rare and small smile.



You stretched your limbs as you heard a satisfying pop. You looked down at your ladybug toy, playing with it.
'Is it had that I still have the ring? No, it's part of a coping mechanism. Keeping something important from her. I just... I think that it'll help me more if I put it away. So I could feel eight off of me. I just feel so lost,' You thought as you heard footsteps.

"Hey (Y/N)," You turn to see Legoshi, but he had a bloody nose.
"Woah, did you get into another fight with Bill again?" You joked, but Legoshi smiled shook his head.
"But um, are you really hurt?" You asked him looking at the tissue.

"No, it's fine," He said.
"Okay, what is it that you want to talk about?" You questioned as you placed your ladybug toy into your pocket.
"Listen, I, uh... the truth is...(Y/N) I think I-"
"Oh hey you two!" You both turn to see Haru walking up to you, with a smile.

"Oh, hi Haru," You smiled back, and Legoshi made a dumbfounded face.
"Hey Legoshi. (Y/N), there's something I need to get off of my chest... I l-"
"Oh look! I just need to go somewhere! To the... thing!" You suddenly laughed nervously and walked off. Haru and Legoshi looked at each other and walked after you.

'Fuck! I know what they're gonna do! But I can't! Not now! I've been going on strong for two years since (F/N) died, and I don't need love anymore!' You thought as you turned the corner.
"Hey, sorry for doing that (Y/N), but we need to talk," Haru said to you.
"Yeah, are you ignoring this question?" Legoshi asked.

"My business only you two! Why did you decide to do this now around a busy day? With a tissue in your know and an awkward tension between the three of us! I don't think you prepared at all!" You rambled out, then Haru jumped in front of you.
"Just listen (Y/N), for us," You stopped and stared at her, exhaling and rubbing your arm.

"We don't want to hurt your feelings. You're special to us, but there's other people who think you're special to them too," Legoshi started.
"Louis, and your friend (F/N)." You stiffed at her saying (F/N)'s name.
"We meant you no harm, in situations like these. And please hear us out, we need to say something to you," Haru said with a soft expression.

"Since the Festival is tomorrow, let has the three of us come here. (Y/N), we wanna say how we feel," Legoshi said. You stared at the two of them, feeling troubled about this whole thing.
'A rabbit and a wolf, falling in love with me. Ain't that something interesting to tell? Even though it's been two years, I can't do it, bringing myself to love someone else,' You looked down and nodded.

"Alright, tomorrow night. I'll see you then," You told them, and walked off. Your thoughts always kept you company, making you feel like you were never alone. But right now, it felt like they were bothering you with every second.
'My only love will always be with her. My once fiancé, my once partner, my once friend. I'll never forget her, but... should I try again? No! Of course not, it just feels weird, everything I'm doing, it was for her. She was my motivation, so why am I feeling this way to those kids?'

"I never though she'd get kidnapped, Haru..." You froze, stopping in your tracks.
"Haru?" You questioned. The three animals that walked pass you turned around and the male rabbit covered his mouth, as if he wasn't supposed to say anything.
"She was kidnapped?" You mumbled, feeling dread in your stomach. And you immediately felt something, anger? Fear? Revenge?

"Tell me who kidnapped her," You said with an aggressive growl coming out of you.
"I-I don't have to say anything!" The rabbit said nervously, and you grabbed him by the collar and pulled him close. You gave an a evil glint and you scowled.
"Tell me dammit! You took her! Who took Haru?!" You shouted I'm his face, making him whimper and cover his face.

"Shishigumi! Shishigumi took her!"

You dropped him, and he scrambled off. You stared at the ground with wide eyes. You felt like throwing up, shaking, and you felt like everything was spinning. You fell on your knees and immediately threw up, letting everything from your stomach come out.
"(Y/N)! What happened?! Are you sick?!" Legoshi asked you as he ran up to you with a concerned look.

You stopped throwing up, wiping the access of with your sleeve. You shakily looked up at the wolf.

"Haru was taken by the Shishigumi. The same people who killed (F/N),"


"Run! (Y/N) you need to get the others now!!"

"I can't see! Where are you (F/N)?!"

"(Y/N) we can't wait any longer, they're gonna die!"

"No wait! (F-"




Oh man, this is getting intense!

So here's what (F/N) looks like;

I can't draw animals for the life of me ;-;

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I can't draw animals for the life of me ;-;

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