Chapter 2

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Chapter 2- Standoff Of Life And Death

Chapter 2- Standoff Of Life And Death

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"Fuck off you freaks!"

"Ignore them (Y/N), they're just narrow minded,"

"You think so?"

"Don't worry, no matter what, as long as I'm around, they won't get to you,"




"Promise," You muttered as the tension was getting bigger. A wolf, a rabbit, and a red panda. Not exactly a good combination. You stood there as the wolf was slowly getting on to all fours, and the rabbit's ear twitched.

'Shit, I don't have anything to defend the rabbit, I don't even know who they are, stupid fog,' You thought taking a small step forward. Suddenly, everything happened so fast, the wolf lunged at the rabbit, who tried to run off, and you quickly ran to push the rabbit put of the way.

You tackled the wolf and the two of you tumbled off. The rabbit fell onto the ground and she watched on in horror as the wolf had a tight grip on your neck, and your claws came out to attach themselves to his arm.
'Can't move, one wrong step and my throat gets ripped out. Is this really how I'll die? In the hands of a Carnivore, the one that I try to have equality? I couldn't even solve the case for Tem, and if I die his case will die too,' You thought as you tried to gasp for air, your heartbeat going faster.

'The heartbeat. Is it mine? Or yours? She feels... warm... Her neck... it's soft. Under the clothes, under the fur... Stop! What should I do?' Legoshi thought as he didn't look at you, but into space.
'Should I? The warm meat in my mouth... My hands... won't stop...' He felt his hands wonder on your stomach, making you bare your fangs, making your fox side come out. Haru couldn't move, she was frozen in fear as she looked at you two.

'Is that... (Y/N)? She protected me from the wolf...' She thought as Legoshi started to whimper.
"Stop... No... Go away!" You looked at him confused, but was still struggling as his grip on your throat tightened. He bared his teeth and slowly came to your neck, at which your claws dug into his fur.
'I'm sorry Kora... Tem... (F-'

"LEGOSHI!" Legoshi snapped out of his trance and accidentally drew blood from your neck. You quickly kicked him off and ran to Haru.
"Come on," You grabbed her hand and the two of you ran off, leaving Legoshi staring at you two leaving. You didn't say anything else, your mind is fogged with thoughts of death. You two eventually made it to the entrance and panted. Haru looked at you with awe in her eyes.

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