Chapter 18

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Chapter 18- WildSide

"Woah, this place is so expensive

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"Woah, this place is so expensive. I'm starting to feel guilty now," You sheepishly smiled at (F/N) as you both sat in front of each other in a restaurant.
"Don't be. You won, and you need to enjoy the treatment hun," She giggled and winked at you, making you melt at her compliment.

"Well, I just want to say it's been a great day, meeting you and our first day of training. I can't wait for tomorrow," You rambled on about your dream of protecting the civilians, and being something more. (F/N) just watched with a soft smile as she watched you.
"Your eyes," You stopped as you tilted your head in confusion.

"It's different from other red pandas, and your tail has a strange pattern. You're also the biggest red panda I've ever seen," She pointed out. You gulped nervously and scratched the tip of your fingers.
"U-uh, well... the funny thing is... I-I," You stammered out, making her chuckle.
"You don't have to tell me right away. Let's spend this time to know about each other," She lifted her glass up to you, making you smile back and lift your glass.

"I'll start, I have two brothers and one sister,"


"I'll kill you... I'll fucking kill you!! You cruel bastard!!" You screamed out in anger and sadness.
"Yeah, being out that anger!! That fox side of yours is weak against me!!" The boss smirked darkly as you felt your body convulse and instincts taking over.
"I had a bright future! And you took it away!!" You hissed as your eyes darken with savagery and you lunged at him.

He tried to throw a punch, but you bit into his fist and shake your head rapidly, taking a chunk off of him. He screamed in pain as he threw you off, although you got up again and jumped to bit his back. The boss reached behind him, trying to pry you off, but your claws dug into his skin.
"You want to get rid of me?! You need to know one thing!" You clawed at his face, making scratches all over and blinding him in the eye.

He stumbled over and fell on his back.
"I AM A BEAST!! I AM (Y/N)!! THE ONE WHO WILL PROTECT WHAT IS MINE!!" You then bared your teeth and bit hard into his neck. He shouts as you kept digging into his skin and heard the ripping. You then felt it disconnect from him and he stopped struggling. You spat out the skin and panted heavily.

Your eyes vibrated in anger. You felt nothing but the heat of your body, the adrenaline, the pure fox instincts in you. You then trailed your eyes up to see the skull on the ground, the skull of your (F/N). You slowly crawled over, feeing a hot stinging pain in your leg as you shakily grasped it, and lifted up to you
'Faint scent, so close to nothing, but... it's her. My sweet and fierce (F/N)... my...' You then broke out into a sob, shakily violently and holding the skull close to you.

"I'm sorry... this was all my fault! I should've helped you! I couldn't see! It was dark and there was shouting, I..I couldn't see you!" You choked out as Legoshi slowly got up and Haru holding your hood around her. The two watched in sorrow as you hiccuped out some mumbles.
"You're probably mad, I-I don't blame you! You died because of me! And I couldn't bare to be a cop without you! I quit, because every day I see you, I could still smell you in my bed," You sniffed.

"This last case was for you, to at least avenge another animal. I f-fail... I failed as a cop... as a lover," You cried in agony, not wanting to let go you the skull.
"(Y/N)... your waist," Legoshi said as you looked down to see your side bleeding. You slowly turn around to face them, lion's blood dripping from your mouth, and pain and feral emotions in your eyes.

"I'm... sorry," You said one more time as you felt your head be light, and black spots filled your eyes. Still holding onto the skull, you closed your eyes as you fell over.



"I congratulate (Y/N) and (F/N), for being the top of their classes with training and education. I hereby send you to city center Police Department. Congratulations," Cheers were heard as you and (F/N) stood up to walk to the stage. You smiled brightly as you saw your mom, full tears falling down and her holding a sign up saying 'That's my baby girl!' Which made you blush in embarrassment.

"Here are your official police badges," The chief of the police department, Chief Kora, bestowed the badges on your uniform.
"We won't let you down chief," (F/N) as you nodded with her.
"I know you won't," He smiled and walked off to talk to other cadets. Your mom walked over switch tears threatening to fall again.
"Oh, my sweet baby all grown up! I promised no tears, but what the heck!" Your mom then started sob and hugged you.

(F/N) started to laugh at the sight as you rolled your eyes at her and hugged your mom, but it was weird since she was a fox, and as tall as you.
"It's okay mom, cry it all out," You smiled at her as she sniffed.
"So this if your girlfriend? You have good taste," She winked at you as (F/N) scratched her neck with a blush.

"The absolute love of my life," You smiled brightly as the weasel kissed your cheek.
"Such a strange combination of a couple, but my marriage wasn't normal either," You mom shrugged as she clapped her hands.
"I expect to see a adopted child soon," You both blushed and stammered as your mom laughed.

"I mean, your mother is right you know," (F/N) smirked, making you choke on air.
"(F/N)! We're not even in our 30s yet!" You shouted, wanting to curl up in a ball.
"I'm kidding! Kids are too much to handle," She laughed at you.

"But one day, maybe you'll change my mind,"


You groaned slightly as you held something around you, small bumps with each second. Suddenly hearing and smelling everything around you, it was arms that was wrapped around you.
"The hell!!" You yelped as you pushed away the arms, but then falling on the ground, burning your rear and tail.

"Shit!! That was a mistake!" You hissed in pain, rubbing your rear as you shit your eyes..
"(Y/N)!" You opened your eyes to see Haru and Legoshi, staring down at you with relief in shock in their eyes.
"Legoshi... Haru..." You strained a pained smile, and you looked around.

"Where... are we?" You mumbled, seeing walls of buildings and the moon shining down on you.
"Walking down the city. The last train already left, so we need to stay somewhere for the night," Legoshi explained.
"Great, are you guys okay?" You asked them as you saw the black eye from Legoshi and the bloody shirt.

"We're fine, we need to find out if you're okay?" Haru said a little sassy. Good to see she's still herself.
"Oh, uh... (Y/N), I don't know if you wanted this, Haru thought it was messed up, but here you go," Legoshi stuttered as he lifted up the skull of (F/N). You stared at it, slowly reaching out to gently grab it again.
"This... is is fine. It'll be a little weird to have the skull of your ex fiancé, but I'll keep it," You softly said, holding onto it.

"Mmh, what street is this?" You asked as you slowly got up, Haru helping you.
"Fangtyre avenue," She said as you sniffed the air, recognizing where you were.

"No need to find a hotel, my home is nearby."

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