Chapter 12

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Chapter 12- Subway Talking

You turned to see both Haru and Legoshi standing next to each other

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You turned to see both Haru and Legoshi standing next to each other.
"Uhhh, sure. Why not?" You shrugged.
"Because it's dangerous," Haru said, then you felt awkwardness radiating from Legoshi.
"And its extremely dangerous outside," He said looking at you with a dark expression. You and Haru sweat dropped and you just nodded.



You three walked down the stairs to the subway.
'First Legoshi didn't wanted to even look at me when I try to talk to him, now he wants to walk with me? And Haru seems more, social to me than usual.' You pondered. You noticed a stares and you turned your head, and immediately Haru smiled and Legoshi looking away.

'Jeez, the hell is wrong with these students?' You placed your metro card downand you walked through with Haru, but then Legoshi got stuck. You heard a voice from the intercom saying the train was leaving, and wouldn't you know it, the train left, leaving you three to stand there like idiots.

You sighed as you sat down at the waiting chairs, with Haru and Legoshi sitting on each of your sides. It was kind comedic, the three of you standing according to height, but then it got uncomfortable with the silence, until Haru spoke up.
"You know, it's kinda hard to know what you two are thinking, when I first met you Legoshi, and first impressions of your roommate (Y/N)," She said.

'Huh? Didn't we first met by the stand do- oh, she's talking about... the shed,' You coughed awkwardly at the memory. Walking in on the both of them, Legoshi pulling you in, and accidentally pinning Haru down. That's just something that sounds like it's part of a fanfiction.
"Yeah, well, I don't really think about that as bad, well, I think of it as learning part of life. You know?" You shrugged, leaving your head back.

"Yeah... umm, so... it was hot today wasn't it?" Legoshi muttered.
"Just imagine, a rabbit trying to sleep with you on the first time you met, and her roommate walking in. We can laugh it off huh?" Haru said while staring at the wall across the station.
"Well, it's kinda weird to let it go so easily considering it was first impressions," Legoshi said.

"It was unforgettable. And seeing you two, I felt weird and I just ignore it." He muttered.
"Hm, Haru. I want you to know that, you don't need to put yourself in that situation. You can't value yourself like that," You said, looking down.
"Mhm. And, well, don't put your body out like that," Legoshi said. Haru said nothing as she hopped off.

"I appreciate it, but I don't want to hear that, especially from a wolf. But it felt nice to hear it from a girl," Haru simply said.
'Yeah, and I think I know how you must feel. Feeling like a helpless herbivore, and using your body as a crutch to know what you're not treated as a fragile thing.' You thought standing up too as the train pass by.

"You may never know what it's like to live a life with a constant fear of death. I may be devoured before being loved by someone. And I wish to know that feeling. But you never know that fear, so you'll never understand us, Legoshi," She sternly said. You felt sympathy for the rabbit, but that's exactly what she hates, for people to feel bad for her. You know she's strong, you know she won't back down, you know she's like-

You suddenly feel a hand grab your arm, making you stop and slightly growl. But you stopped as quick and looked up to see Legoshi.
"Wait, (Y/N) don't leave," He pleaded.
"Let her go, we'll be riding a different train," Haru said, pulling your other arm.
"I wanted to talk more, to (Y/N) about her, please," He said.
"I don't think she wants to talk about what happened in her life," Haru said sternly.
'Touches, I hate touches, don't touch me. Please don't touch me,' You thought, feeling the carnivorous side crawling in you.

"I know, but"
"I know you know, but don't lecture us about anything! Let her go!" Haru said with a slightly raised voice.
"But don't run from me! She may not even want to be with you!" Legoshi said with a familiar raised tone.

"Yes she does! Let go of her!"


"Please... let's just go guys..."


"I just wanna talk!"

"No way! Let her go!"


"Are you harassing those two girls?" You finally heard a woman ask in a stern and angry tone.
"Is there any carnivore who can help?" You three looked around to see a crowd forming around you.
'Shit, don't be suspicious. Stay calm, and reassure the civilians about the situation!' You breathed in and pulled your arms away from both of them.

"You, Wolf! Explain yourself!" An employee of the metro shouted at Legoshi.
"Uhh, no! I just wanted to talk to them!" Legoshi tried to reason, but the employee didn't wanted to reason, all he saw was an aggressive carnivore. You then felt like even accessing your position as a detective would be futile, so you grabbed Haru's and Legoshi's hands, and ran for it.

"Let's go!" You yelled as you had your fox instincts to pull forcefully.
"Why are we running? They'll be way more suspicious!" Legoshi yelled.
"Carnivores could get caught just by using any kind of force! She's helping you from getting arrested!" Haru argued as you just continue to run.

"Careful! I could kick you!" Legoshi warned.
"Doesn't matter! Legoshi, you're really hard to see what you actually feel! And Haru, you got so much spunk that you're really awesome to hand out!" You finally spat out.
"Actually I'm still trying to figure myself out!" Legoshi replied.
"Thanks, really appreciate that kind comment!" Haru said with a determined smile.

"The three of us, we're all so different! I just wanted to talk about it!" Legoshi confessed.
"That's fine Legoshi, but right now, we need to go faster, you need to take the lead, or else we're all in trouble! And I need to remove myself from this case!" You shouted, but instantly regret it.
'Shit! I let myself talk too much!' You panicked, but then Legoshi ran faster, and in front of you.

He took the lead as you kept on holding Haru's hand.
'Legoshi is finally taking the pack on the run. Being a true wolf. Haru being assertive, being not just a rabbit, but a rabbit that I give as much respect at (F/N).' You felt your heart tighten at the mention of your friend. The friend you couldn't never see anymore.
'These two, the people in the club. Jack, Bill, Fudge, Kai, Louis. These people are people that I let myself open up to. Yet I still don't want to be close, don't want them to touch me like she did, if I do, I'll lose them like I lost (F/N).'

'She was special, she was one whole of these two animals. (F/N) was fun, assertive, shy, and so damn beautiful. She was my partner in crime. She was my other half of a heart. With her gone, I felt like I was lost, I felt like I was nothing,'

'But I won't lose them. I won't lose these two like I lost my love, not again!'

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