Chapter 9

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Chapter 9- The Black Market

The Sophmores, including you, were in the dressing room waiting for instructions

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The Sophmores, including you, were in the dressing room waiting for instructions.
"As I've said, those junior members will visit the city hall to have a meeting about the Festival of the Meteor tomorrow afternoon, got it?" Sanu explained.

"Why did you pick the Carnivores? We herbivores want to go out too!" Some Herbivores argued.
"Didn't you see the news? Herbivores's activities will be limited to inside the school for a while," He said. They whined until Louis spoke up.

"As much as I don't want (Y/N) to go, she needs to see what we're going to do. You guys do know that carnivores can get out of control where they lose all rational thinking," He glared at Bill and Legoshi, making you look down.
"One more thing," Louis opened the door and looked directly at you five.

"Don't even think about going to the Black Market," And with that he left.
You furrowed your eyebrows and looked at your hand.

'Why did he have to mention that place?'


You breathed in the city air as you looked around.
'Isn't this a sight to behold,' You thought.
"Would you look at that, all the birds are flying," Aoba sighed.
"So jealous," You chuckled at his words and looked around.

'Being inside for years, I forgot how big the city was,' You thought.
"Oh yeah, you have a flying license until you graduate from school," Tao explained.
"I thought you weren't interested in the outside world," Aoba teased Legoshi, as his tail was wagging.

"Hey! Let's go!"


You five were in a fast food place eating, discussing about the plans for the festival.
"It's the same as last year," Legoshi commented.
"Eh, it was a good excuse for us to go out anyways," Bill shrugged. Tao then piped in for Bill to finish his sex story.

You rolled your eyes as you took a bite of your veggie burger.
"So, when will you loose your virginity Legoshi?" Bill grinned wrapping an arm around the wolf.
"Let me say, I can smell a virgin scent miles away," Bill said.
"Psssh, then how come you couldn't know where she was before you had sex with her?" You joked.

Tao and Aoba burst out laughing as Bill stared at you in shock and embarrassment.
"What?! It's not like you know, you weren't there!" He huffed while crossing his arms. Legoshi looked at you from his side and smiled a little.

'You do know how to make me smile (Y/N),'


"Aoba don't tell me we're lost," You sighed as the Eagle was looking at his phone confusingly.
"Uhhh, I think we're lost," He finally said. It was night and you five were just walking around.
'I would lead the way, but being in my home for so long I don't know where even the bathroom is,' You thought.

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