Chapter 6

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Chapter 6- Showing Your Wildside

"I knew a wolf like you would sniff it out," Bill laughed and took out a small vial of red liquid

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"I knew a wolf like you would sniff it out," Bill laughed and took out a small vial of red liquid. Legoshi's eyes widen and felt his body freeze.
"Is that-"

"Rabbit blood," Bill grinned.
"Of course, it's not any of the students here, one of the older kids gave it to me. I've kept it in case of an emergency," He explained as Legoshi felt this body heat up with his instincts kicking in. He immediately pounced on the tiger and struggled to push him back.

"It should be easier to live in the shadows like you huh? But I want to live in the light! This is a reasonable doping!" Bill reasoned, but Legoshi kept growling.
"You keep sucking up to the Herbivores, you always suck up to (Y/N)!" He push Legoshi back and glared at him. He simply turned and walked out of the bathroom, leaving Legoshi to calm down.

'He's right, I can't talk back to him, but don't suck up to (Y/N)' He growled to himself and looked at his hand.

'I'm tired of running away,'


It was opening night and you took over Legoshi's place on lights. The play started and Bill started to act. You gotta admit he was being good being Adler, but he seemed nervous when he moved and you heard others whispering to each other.

'Poor Bill, He was so happy when he found out he was gonna play, I hope this goes well,' You thought as the next scene was playing.
Suddenly, you see Legoshi walking on stage, glaring at Bill.

'I don't think he was supposed to walk in so early, something's wrong,' You thought. He dropped his sword and ran to punch bill. Your eyes widen in shock and quickly stood up.
'This definitely is not supposed to happen,' You ran through the catwalk and ran downstairs backstage.

"Why isn't anyone going to stop them?!" You harshly whispered to them. The skull mask Bill was wearing flew off and landed in front of you with blood.
"Uhhh, I don't think so," You groaned and picked up an extra costume and put it on. Legoshi kept on punching Bill until he grabbed his hand. He pushed him back and hugged him tightly.

"You smelled rabbit blood before? Was it your prey? Did you..." Bill made bloody scratch marks on Legoshi's back.
"Kill it?" He asked in a sadistic tone.
You could smell Legoshi's blood and quickly ran on stage, jumping on Bill and grabbed his ears.
"AGH!!" He grabbed your wrist and threw you down, making you slide. The audience gasped and whispered.

"Who are you?" He asked.
"We may have blood on our hands, but the blood I shed was the one who was close to me!" You said quickly thinking on your feet.
'I have to make this look like this is part of the play, or else it'll spark another panic,' You thought. Legoshi fell to the floor and you side stepped to block him from Bill.

"You demons always have this sad story, surrender now and accept your fate, both of you!" You winked at you, but you can see the look in his eyes, the same look He had.
"What we surrender will be our lives, I will never give it up, you are nothing but a wannabe hero Adler, nothing!" You snarled. Bill smirked and charged at you, making you dodge and kicked behind his knee, making him kneel.

"You're clever (Y/N), but what can a Red Panda such as yourself do?" He asked, but only to you.
You said nothing as you showed your fangs, snarling and holding up a sword.
"Nothing a Tiger such as yourself can handle," You charged and he grabbed his sword to block it. You two began to fight, Giant Carnivore, and a small Herbivore.

He eventually swiped your sword away and he grabbed your neck.
"Looks like the odds changed huh demon?" He lifted you up and held tightly. You slightly chocked as Legoshi's eyes widen.

'Shit, He's going too far, He's really trying to kill me' You thought trying to gasp for air.
"Guess who's the wannabe Grim Reaper now? The blood you shed was and always be in vain," Bill smirked and lifted his sword. Legoshi tried to stand up, but his back hurt so much.
'Dammit, I can't save you (Y/N)' He hissed in pain.

"Sorry for doing this (Y/N), but I'm the star, no herbivore is taking it," You started to choke and vision blurred as he was about to strike, but then someone ran on stage. They pushed the sword away, allowing Bill to drop you and you gasping for air.

"Looks like you are having way too much fun," You recognized the voice to be Louis, but you couldn't see as you were about to pass out.
"Unfortunately, you have to play to villain now," He put on the skull mask and held the sword up.

"I know who you are, let me show you who the real Grim Reaper is." He swiped at Bill, making the audience cheer.
"Legoshi, leave the rest to me, don't let anyone see your back, and check on (Y/N), she seems to be injured for real," Louis said to Legoshi.

"Back down if you're not prepared. I know about the many sins you committed. Why don't you taste my blood too? That's how you become a true Grim Reaper!" Louis shouted. Bill backed away with a glare.

"Leave! I don't have time with impostors!" And with that, Bill turn and ran off. Lights flashed to the three of you.
"Now, you'll disappear with the morning dew. Along with me," Louis turn to face Legoshi and you, which you were seeing black dots.

Louis held out his hand to Legoshi, and he accepted. He made him stand and made his way to you.
"Now small one, the blood you may shed was regretful, but I'll be here to guide you," He said picking you up.

"Don't worry, I got you," He whispered in your ear, making you shiver. The crowd cheered and clapped. Legoshi felt his stomach twist seeing you being held by Louis, but shook it away.

'I just hope she's okay'


You groaned banged your head against the wall. It was the next day and you saw what was on the newspaper. "Birth of a Dark Hero"? That's stupid!
'Figures that the newspaper here in school would be exaggerated, just like in the city. Plus I look ugly in this photo' You growled, fiddling with your stim toy and tapping your foot.


You, Bill, and Legoshi stood in front of Louis looking down in shame.
"I'm absolutely shocked by you three. You can wrestle here as much as you want, but not on stage. How do you intend to apologize for all this?" Louis scolded.
'Great, age 25 and I'm being scolded like a 7 year old,' You thought as Louis gave Bill the vial of rabbit blood.

"Honestly, I don't care if you drank animal blood to liven up. I never expected good morals from you, unlike Legoshi," He glared at you three.

"The problem is you three. Two beast went out of control and smeared the stage with blood. And you," He glared at you.
"Someone who may be taller than their species, you're still small. You could've gotten yourself killed trying to interfere! If I hadn't stopped you three would you actually kill?" You looked up and froze to see other people behind Louis and taking photos.

'This is really bad,'

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