Chapter 7

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Cassidy's POV :

"I'm sorry, okay? How many times do I have to apologize!" I half-shouted at mom.

"Shut up!" She screamed. "I already said it's okay! You just didn't listen."

"Uhm. Sorry." I said.

"Stop apologize!"

"Ok! Sorry!"

"Oh my goodness! Stop!"

"Ok! Sor-" I was cut off by Sophie's hand being slapped on my mouth.

"Shut up. Seriously. It's annoying." She said as she plopped down on the couch.

"Sorry." I said.

"SHUT UP!" Soph and mom said in the same time.

"Holy cow! It's already 3:45!!" Sophie alerted. "Come on, Cass!!" She grabbed me by my shirt to my room.

Liam's POV :

We were still waiting for Harry to get up. It's been 3 hours since he's blacked out.

I cringed as I remembered what happened earlier today.


"He'll faint!" Just as I said that, he fell hitting his head on the sinks wall. Hard.

We all started freaking out.

"Oh God! What're we- HE'S BLEEDING!" Ashton shrieked.

"Oh, shit! Calum, call the ambulance!" Mikey orders.

I kneeled down trying to pick him up, but Luke smacked my hand away. "Don't. He might have broken something."

"Good point."

The door creeks open relieving Louis, Zayn and Niall.

"That was so fun- What's going on?" He says when he notices all of us pacing round the room.

"Harry! What's happened to him! Why are you all just standing there! He's freaking bleeding!" Niall shouted.


But the doctor said he'll be okay and that if his head stops hurting him, he'll be able to perform tonight!

"He's waking up!" Zayn said.

I shot up from my seat, so did Mikey and Ash.

"I'm hungry." Harry said in a low voice.

"Yay! You're back!" Calum cheers.

He chuckled as he sat up, immediately groaning and holding his head.

"It hurts. Louis? Can you pass me a cup of water, please?" Why is he so polite?

"Sure. There you go, Haz!" Louis handed him the cup with a smile.

"Harry. Please say you'll be able to perform today." I said, hoping he'll get that I'm talking about the girls.

He smirk his evil smirk. "Yeah. Of course, Li. Why the hell not?" He winks.

"What are you two up to?" Luke asks.

"I'll tell you guys when we get home." I replied with a smirk.

"Really?" Harry questioned.

"Yes, really" I said.

Cassidy's POV :

"What the hell are you doing to my car?" Sophie shouted as she enteres our garage.

"Spary painting '1D WE LOVE YOU MORE THAN FREE WI-FI!!' on your car; what does it look like I'm doing?" I answered.

"I thought I was the Louis out of the two of us!" She whined.

"Well, the table's turned, sweetheart." I smirked, applying the last exclamation mark.

"So, I guess that makes you the sassy one, too?"

I nodded, standing up and taking in my artwork.

"Ooh!! Wait! It needs something else!" My mom popped up out of nowhere. "May I?"

"Sure!" Sophie took the spray paint out of my hand and gave it to mom.

We both watched what she's doing. 'HARRY & LIAM, YOU'RE WELCOME INSIDE ANYTIME YOU LIKE! ;)" It said.

"Never thought you'll ever understand me, mother!" I fake-cried.

"Haha! Well, you were wrong, my dear!" She clapped twice. "Now, you and your friend should get going. It's 4:30."

"Ok. Bye, mom!" I hugged her quickly and hopped in the passenger seat, Sophie following to the opposite side of me.

"Bye! Take care! And don't get raped!" My embarrassing mom shouted after us as we drove away.


There you go, folks!!

Hope you like it!


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