Chapter 11

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Liam's POV:-

"Where's Sophie?" Ashton asked.

Thanks, Ash.

She popped her head from behind Michael's shoulder. "Right here!"

She looked beautiful. As cliche as it sounds!

"Oh my God!" She was freaking out when she noticed me and Harry.

She started swaying from side to side.

Cassidy ran to her to see if she's okay; but instead, she falls to the ground.

"Shit! Can anyone help me?" Cassidy tries to arry her.

"Here. I'll help." I volunteered.

"Liam, I'm sorry. But I don't think you should." Luke said.


"Luke. Help me?" Cassidy asks.

"Alright" He turned to me and Harry and said, "You guys should turn around."

I gave him a confused look.

Was she naked or something?

Michael was still standing in front of her so I couldn't see anything.

Eventually, we turned our back to them.

I looked at Harry. Mini Harry is still bothering him.

"Uh. Mate?"


"What are you gonna do about that?"

"I'll wait."

"Wait? You're never that patient about anything!"

"I know."

I sighed.

"Are you guys done back there?"

Noone answered, so I took it as permission to turn around.

"Where is everybody?" Harry said.

"Let's go. They probably went back inside." I lead the way back to our dressing room.

"Hey! There you guys are!" Harry said as he saw Niall, Zayn and Louis gathered in our room.

"Oh. Who were you thinking dirty about, Hazz?" Louis teased.

Harry puffed, going into the bathroom and locking it after him.

Sophie's POV:-

I woke up when I felt my pants being tugged down.

It was Cass.

"What happened?"

"I guess you couldn't take Payne's hotness." She smirked.

"Haha. Wait, it was actually Liam?"

"And Harry." She took off my pants and underwear.

Don't freak out! We've known each other since the age of one!

"Whoa! Soph. Your period came hard!" She held up my pants. They were white with a red stain the size of Africa on it.

"Here. Wear these." She handed me a pair of undies and skinny jeans.

"Hey. These are Luke's!"

"I know, Soph. Just hurry up!"

I got dressed quickly.

"Ooh. How does he fit in those?" The jeans were so tight you could barley breathe.

"I have to tell you something." Cassidy said.

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