Chapter 23

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Heyyy!! If this is late, blame the puppy!!


Sophie's POV :-

"Sophie.." I stirred in my sleep, feeling his lips leaving light kisses on my neck, "Wake up, baby. You'll be late.."

I groaned, "I don't wanna go."

"I know. I don't want you to leave either, but you've got to get up." He rubbed my back slowly.

"Liam." I whined, not wanting to get up.

"Come on." He layed down, facing me and kissed my nose.

"Fine." I sat up for a second, then realized I hate mornings, "I hate mornings. I'm going back to bed."

I layed back down, on top of Liam.

"No, no, no." He chuckled. My eyes widened when I felt him stand up.

I completely forgot he was that strong. Who forgets that Liam Payne is basically Batman!?

"No!" I made graby hands at the bed as he walked to the bathroom, with me slung over his shoulder.

"Get dressed." He set me down in the bathroom.

"I've still got like, half the day." I pouted, "It's almost like you want me to leave.."

"Hey, that's not true." He smiled, "You know that!"

"I'm joking." I pecked his cheek.

"Stop joking about those things.." He shook his head.

"Ok. Now, get out." I giggled.

"I'll be with the boys if you need anything."


I locked the bathroom door and turned on the shower. I stripped out of my clothes and stepped into the shower.

I sighed when the cold water hit my back, my muscles slowly relaxing under the cold water.

I washed my hair and stepped out of the shower. I wrapped myself up in a towel and walked out into mine and Liam's room.

I took out my favorite outfit and changed into it.

I turned around and jumped when I saw Liam watching me.

"When did you get in here?" I gasped.

"Before you got out of the shower." He smiled smugly.

"Did you see me change..?" I spoke slowly.

"Yeah." He nodded, "It's not like I haven't before."

"Do not bring that up, now." I put my finger up as I walked out.

"GOOD MORNING, GUYS!!" I shouted loudly when I walked into the kitchen.

"God." Ashton clutched his chest, "You gave me a heart attack."

"Sorry, dad." I patted his back and went to the fridge.

"Where's dumbass?" I asked.

"She was out for about seven seconds, then Harry dragged her into their room." Calum said, eating his cereal.

"They might be -you know.." Luke shrugged.

I nodded and went to Michael, who was standing in the corner of the room with his eyes glued to the ground.

"What's so interesting about the floor?" I leaned against the counter.

"Oh. Nothing." He mumbled and walked out into the living room.

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