Chapter 26

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Hey, friends! Sorry for the long wait!

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"William, no! Don't go so close do the edge, okay?" I said, picking her up when she almost slipped off the roof.

I turned around and looked at the two dorks trying to build the fort, "You done yet?"

"I give up." Sophie sighed, running her hand through her messy hair.

"Hold William and I'll do it." I gave her William and walked over to Felix.

I looked around looking for anything we could use to make it high enough for us to sit.

"How the hell did these things get here?" I asked and walked over to pile of different sized pipes.

I pick one up and they weren't too heavy, "Perfect."

"If we put them in, like, a triangle shape," I said, "Like that. That would work."

I rested the pipes on the floor in a circle and made them all connect at the top.

"Cool." Sophie smiled, "Now, how do we make sure they won't fall and crack our heads open?"

"Uhm. Get the rope from the shed." I said.

"Nah. I don't feel like it. Felix, you do it." Sophie yawned and sat on the edge.

"Fine. Hold William." He set the puppy on the ground next to her and went down the stairs.

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Harry's POV :-

"What are you on about?" I heard Liam shouting in his room, probably on his phone, "You can't do this! You can't just leave!"

I slowly pushed the door open and stepped inside.

Liam was on his bed, covering his face with his arm.

"You can't do this to us, Zayn! You can't do this to the fans!" He sat up and rubbed his face with his hands, throwing the phone in front of him and setting it on speakerphone.

"Li, I told you. I can't do this anymore, I'm tired. I need a break, mate!" Zayn shouted through the phone.

I stayed silent. Part of me was in shock, but I saw it coming to be honest.

"Zayn. I'll have to call you back. I'll tell the lads."

"Alright. See ya, Payno."

Liam hung up and looked at me, "Now, what?"

I shook my head, "I don't know."

"We should tell them." He stood up and walked out, me hot on his tail.

"Lads!" He called, "C'mere, we have to talk about something!"

I sat on the coach and waited for the rest to come out of their rooms.

"What's up?" Asked Niall as he sat down, followed by the rest.

"Uhm. I just got a call from Zayn and," He paused and ran his hand through his hair, "He wants to leave the band."

"What!?" They all stood up in the same second.

"How? What happened? Did Harry use his shampoo?" Louis half-joked.

"No, Louis. He didn't." Liam shook his head, "Zayn said he was getting tired and that he doesn't feel the same way he used to.."

"Oh, my God.." Whispered Calum, leaning against Michael for support.

"THE HIGH NOTES!!" They all shouted.

"Lads! Keep it down!" I stood up and mentioned for them all to sit down, "I know it's a shocker, but he didn't exactly say he wants to leave forever, he said he needed a break."

Niall turned to Liam and spoke with a loud voice, "What d'you think, Payno? I mean, you should know, he's closest to you."

Liam's face went blank, "I.. I don't think he," Liam paused and looked at his feet, "I don't think he's thinking about taking a permanent break.."

All the boys fell back into their seats.

"Well, shit," Louis sighed, "I guess, after his first break, he got tired-- I don't even know what I'm saying right now, but you get where I'm going, right?"

We all nodded and say in silence for a bit, before Liam's phone started ringing again.

"Oh, it's for you." He handed me the phone.

I couldn't help but smile at the sight of her name on the screen.

I excused myself to my room and raised the phone to my ear.


"Hi, babe."

"How's life? Ow! William, no!"

"Life could be better, but I'm still alive."

"What happened-- ow! Seriously, William. If you don't stop, I'll put you up for adoption!"

I couldn't help but chuckle at that, "Anyway, I've got some news that aren't exactly what you call good."


Cassidy's POV :-

"Anyway, I've got some news that aren't exactly what you call good."

I felt my body stiffen, "Uhm, you scared me. What's up?"

"Uh, are any of the others in earshot?"

"Harry, what's going on? You're actually scaring me, now." I laughed nervously.

"Please, don't hate me when I tell you this and try not to freak out too much, yeah?"

"Okay. But if you think it's bad that I'm gonna pass out, then go easy on me."

"Okay. Three.. two.. one.. Zayn left the band."

It felt as if the whole world stopped and that the air has been knocked out of my lungs.

"Babe, you okay? Oh, God. Did you pass out? Are you okay? CASSIDY!!"

"I-I think I'm still alive.."

"Don't do that to me! Are you okay, though? Will you be fine?"

"I'm not sure. Harry, why did you tell me now?" I whined.

"Oh, my God. I messed up again, didn't I? Ugh! I'm sorry." He groaned.

"It's okay. I'll tell the rest about it later, I don't think they're ready yet.."

"Okay, baby. I'll see you soon, I'll call you tonight."

"Yeah, sure. I'll let you know how the rest react to the news, see you."

I hung up and sighed.

Well, this is going to be a hella turnt night..



I'm sooooo sorry that this chapter turned out to be shorter than JB's peepee but I tried ok?

I'll try to update sooner next time seeeeeeeeee yaaaaa!!!! Xxxxxxxx

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