Chapter 28

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Harry's POV:-

"What'd you mean you're dying your hair?" I frowned into the phone.

"Babe, calm down! It won't be for long, I promise."

"Why do I feel like you're not telling me something?" I sighed.

"Oh.. uhm.. I may be shaving half of my hair off as well.."

It took me a second to digest what she just said.

I snorted, "Sorry. What?"

"I'm shaving the sides of the head and dying the rest of it pastel pink."

I let out a laugh. She can't be serious, right?

"If this is a prank, it's not working."

"C'mon, Haz! I picked the color for you! Pastel pink? You're favorite color." I couldn't see her, but I knew she was pouting.

"Wait, this is serious?"

"No shit, Sherlock. Yes, it is!"

"But, I need to be there when it happens," I pouted, "To hold your hand and stuff."

"I'm freeing myself from a bird nest, not giving birth to a baby, Harold. I'll be fine. But, I'll FaceTime you."



"It's been almost a month, you know."

"Yeah, I know." She sighed.

"Dammit! I'm ruining the happiness again!"

"No, baby, it's fine. Calm down."

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine. It's okay to cry. It's okay to feel sad and lonely. Haz, I feel the s-same."

"You're crying, too.."

"I am. B-but that's what-- that's what love is, right?"

I nodded but realized she couldn't see me, "Yeah, yeah.."

"My God, we are so original. Crying over the phone and being all sappy and sad."

I chuckled sadly, "That's the Cass I know."

"I'm really happy I get to see that side of, Harry. I'm really glad we've met in person. Not only because I was, and still am, a crazed fan, but because I think I've met the love of my life."

I felt my cheeks heating up and I bit my lip, "I'm blushing."

"I'm guess this gives us the idea of who's the man on our relationship, babe."

"What's that supposed to mean? I'm the one with the--"

"Shhh! William is with me and I've got you on speaker! I do not wish for our first baby to be going around the dog park barking bad words at her mates, Harry!"

"Such a mom." I laughed.

"Don't make fun of me! Just wait until you see her. You'll literally have a boob transplant to breast-feed her."

"No, thank you. I'll pass on that."

She laughed, "Fine. But I've gotta go. She's hungry."

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