Chapter 4

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Harry's POV:

"Harold!" Liam shouts. Oh, god. I hope he didn't find out what I've done.

"Y-Yes, Liam?"

"You can't do that, Harry!"

"Can't do what?"

He looks at me like he's planning my death in his head. This is bad.

"You can't do this! Why the hell have you changed the timing of the concert on their tickets?!" He shoved his iPhone in my hands. I looked down to its screen to see how he found out. And surely enough, Cassidy posted a photo of their tickets on Twitter. Oh, shit!

"Sorry......?" I said, earning a slap on the back of my head from Liam.

"You're such a d-"

"What has he done, Liam?" Zayn interrupts.

If Liam tells him about Cassidy, I'm gonna kill myself! I look over at Liam and mouth 'Please! Don't tell him!'. He slightly nods.

"Um, he just dropped my phone. No big deal!" His voice cracks on the last word. Shit! Shit! Shit!

"Hmm. Really?" Zayn raises an eyebrow at me.

For God's sake, Zayn! You're not Sherlock!

"Yeah. Yeah..." I'm f*cked! This is the end!

"Ok, I believe you. I'm gonna have a shower. Oh! And Ashton and the boys are coming on 3 o'clock." He casually jogs out of the room.


"That was close." Liam mumbles.

"That was the closest I got to death!"

"Pfft! He won't ever hurt us, Haz. Don't be stupid!"

"Just sayin'!" I through my hands above my head. I didn't wanna start a fight.

"Anyway, what are we gonna do about them arriving TWO hours early, Styles?"

"I have some things in mind." I shrugged. I felt a smirk appear on my face as I thought about what we can do. I mean, what could go wrong? Their moms shouldn't know!

"Where is this going, Harry?" He's trying to be serious, I can see it.

I wink. "You'll know when it time for you to know, Payne." I paused. "Just be patient. You'll like it."

And with that, I walked out of the room, smirking from ear to ear.

This can go to ways; either amazingly good, or terribly wrong.


What do you think Harry's got in mind??


Next chapter is coming next week!!!


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