23 | Cindy | Heart Sounds

24 6 1

Heart Sounds - Tineedsj001

Reviewer -  cwang1

Title [5/5]

Ooh, I love it! It's so unique.

Cover: [5/5]

I think it's pretty good. I love the background image, and the different fonts you used looked very nice.

Blurb: [3/5]

I didn't really understand the "Lub and Dub" part, and I couldn't get why you put that in there. I'm not sure if that was a reference and if other people would be confused, so maybe you could reconsider changing that. Additionally, a lot of the blurb feels like you're talking to the reader. Instead, I would suggest maybe putting a snippet of the stories you wrote in the blurb, a tool I think is more effective.

Genre: [5/5]


Originality: [10/10]

I loved the concept of this book! It's definitely very unique, and I haven't seen any like it.

Description: [6/10]

I really loved how you described the character emotions, but I would suggest using some more vocabulary to make the description a bit more interesting. Other than that, I would suggest going more in depth with your description.

Character Development: [9/10]

The character development is really good, and I loved how each character changed and grew throughout each story. I would suggest describing the character appearances a bit more, and perhaps adding a bit more backstory and motive to each character. Other than that, good job!

Plot: [9/10]

I loved the plot of each of your stories! They were so interesting, and I was compelled to read on. I also liked the nice, clean way you ended each of your stories. The only thing I would recommend is to perhaps stretch out some of your stories a bit, adding more description and development.

Grammar: [10/15]

Your grammar was pretty good, overall. However, I would recommend changing up your sentence structure. Sometimes, the sentences seemed a bit choppy, and it felt weird and 'uneven' to read. Additionally, you italicized dialogue, which was unnecessary.

Structure: [3/5]

Maybe it was just the device I was on, but the structure of your story seemed a bit weird. You seemed to have only about one sentence in each paragraph, before adding a return and going to the next paragraph, so I would suggest combining some of these paragraphs. Other than that, good job.

Vocabulary/Spelling: [7/10]

Your spelling was great, with no mistakes that I could spot. However, I would suggest using a more expansive vocabulary, helping to keep the story interesting and fun to read.

Overall Enjoyment: [9/10]

I had an amazing time reading all your stories, as this was a super unique concept, and I really enjoyed each story. I loved the development of the stories, and there are just a few minor things you should touch up on. Good job!

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