58 | Savvy | Angels and Demons

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Book: Angels and Demons by CoversForFree20010

Reviewer: Anubis_Styx


 Title [5/5] 

It is a pretty name! I also think it fits well with your book and cover! 

Cover [5/5] 

They say don't judge a book by its cover... well I'm judging this book by this cover. OMG it's absolutely B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L! If I saw this cover I'd want to read the book because that cover is very attractive. 

Blurb/Synopsis [3/5] 

Your blurb gives too much information away. While it's short, you pretty much tell the reader what is gonna happen and then end it in a rhetorical question. I'd advise to never put questions in a blurb because then it's like, "Well now I know it's gonna happen." But overall it's short and sweet, and good. 

Genre [5/5] 

Your characters fit well with your genre! 

Originality [10/10] 

I personally think your book is unique. While I've read similar books yours still shows distinctive differences that set it apart! Congrats! 

Descriptions [8/10]

Your descriptions are good but sometimes misworded so they are harder to understand. But overall they get the job done I just wouldn't say they're 10/10 descriptions. I'd advise maybe reading you paragraphs to make sure they make sense, or get someone else to! 

Character Development [10/10] 

Your characters are consistent and are developed very well. 

Plot [9/10] 

There aren't any plot holes as far as I can see and it's a consistent speed. I like where the story is going! It's decently unique and that's good as well! Great job. 

Grammar [13/15] 

I saw a few grammar mistakes throughout but nothing major. You also have a typo in your blurb, "...she is half angle angel(,) half demon..." 

Structure [5/5] 

Your dialogue is good, and you split your paragraphs well. I didn't see any structure problems. 

Vocabulary/Spelling [8/10] 

Like I said in the grammar section, there are very minor mistakes throughout but overall not that many. Just a quick look through will do! 

 Overall Enjoyment [10/10] 

I enjoyed this! 

[ Total: 91/100 ] 

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