88 | Genio | Blueberry Milkshake

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Reviewer: wOt_iS_tHiS_LiFe 

Blueberry Milkshakethat_blondie_girl_29 

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Title: [5/5]

As soon as you read the prologue, the title makes perfect sense. It's an interesting title, and makes you wonder what the story could be about that could possibly make that make sense.

Cover: [3/5]

While the cover is nice, I would've liked to see more blue, since the title has the word 'blueberry'. I just think that would've been nice. Also, I would suggest maybe making the title a little bit bigger, but other than that, it's good.

Blurb/Synopsis: [5/5]

For this, I'm going to go off of the actual synopsis you gave in the intro. It was descriptive and gave me information about the story. The way it was written made me wonder where the story was going from what was revealed in the blurb. Very intriguing.

Genre: [5/5]

Genre selected fits well, makes sense for the story.

Originality: [9/10]

This was a really creative story, honestly I've never seen anything like it!! It was really interesting and I was questioning a lot about what would happen next!

Description: [7/10]

Characters are described well for the most part, I do wish that some of the places got a bit more detail put into them, just so I can picture the place, but overall it was done well.

Character Development: [10/10]

The characters all seem to have something about them at the beginning that makes them stand out, eg for Jessica it's the fact that her and Avery don't really get along. Over the story, more about the characters is revealed and they react in different ways the more you learn about them.

Plot [8/10]

For the most part, the plot makes sense. It was a little bit confusing with the switching between past and present, but it was written well.

Grammar: [13/15]

Grammar was accurate, sometimes the wording of a sentence was a little wonky, but I could still understand what was happening in the story.

Structure: [5/5]

Dialogue paragraphs correct, paragraphs aren't excessively long, but aren't all super short either.

Vocabulary/Spelling: [9/10]

Vocabulary was good, overall spelling was decent, however there were a few times where you missed a few letters at the end of a word or something, like an 'ed' at the end.

Overall Enjoyment: [9/10]

Your story was so creative! I loved reading it, and I just wanted to keep reading! That being said, your chapters were a little short, and again, I would've liked a bit more detail on the setting, but honestly, it was a great story.

Total: [88/100]

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